Friday, July 26, 2024

Gag to reporters, Fnsi mobilization: “Don’t sign Mattarella”. 2017 Reform Repealed: What the Costa Amendment Delivers


The National Federation of Journalists, the unitary union of journalists, is meeting on Thursday “an extraordinary council to mobilize the category, together with civil society, against the right to freedom of the press represented by the ban. About the issuance of precautionary restraining orders “. Secretary Alessandra Costante announced it, “Now al […]

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The National Press AssociationThe Unitary Union of Journalists will meet “one” on Thursday, December 20 An extraordinary visit to make arrangements Mobilization type, together with civil society, against the new Word of mouth on the right to report Represented by the ban on issuance of precautionary restraining orders”, the Secretary declares Alessandra CostanteHe asked, “Now the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella Do not sign a law that could prove to be a source of enormous distortions of rights”. Note on the amendment of the European Delegated Regulation proposed by the action co. Enrico CostaApproved in the Chamber on Tuesday – with an absolute majority and the votes of the former Third Pole – after the reform requested by the government: “By providing Article 114 of the Criminal Procedure Code (.. .) the Prohibited to publish in whole or in extract Order of Precautionary Detention pending completion of preliminary enquiries” (or, where it is prescribed, till completion of preliminary enquiry).

This is a reversal compared to Orlando reform of 2017, excluded orders for the use of precautionary measures from any publication ban. In those proceedings, the trial judge often reports on the seriousness of the crime against the suspect. Excerpts from Wiretap Collected by Advocate. To avoid the hassle of seeing them end up in newspapers, the majority and centrist allies decided to include the laws in regulations.No longer shrouded in secrecy” (because the suspects and their guardians were informed) However, “publication, even partial, is prohibited until the preliminary investigations are completed” (Article 114 paragraph 2). However, it must be possible to disclose the “contents” of the documents, their dissemination is prohibited only for documents covered by secrecy (paragraph 1).

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How can the difference between the release of the “content” of the action and the output of the action be explained? Prior to the 2017 reform, quoting quotation marks from commands was always considered legal. However, in the meantime, the climate has changed: the Draghi and Meloni governments have undertaken a task in recent years. Disables the journal Initiated with command”On top of that Presumption of innocence” agreed the former justice minister Marta CordabiaIt imposed very strict restrictions on the communication of judicial officials, prevented them from providing information to journalists outside the formal framework, and (subsequently) disciplinary sanctions For those who disagree. A law already complicated – in some cases to the point of making it impossible – the work of judicial reporters across Italy (WHO deepening who can no longer appeal against the issuance of a custody order.

“And Act of Freedom Killing Not only according to Article 21 of the Constitution, but also about individual freedom”, the Secretary of Fnsi Costante underlines. “This is dangerous not only for the freedom of the press, but also for the person who receives a preventive detention order in prison”, where approximate and unverified information can be disseminated. “Memory of dictatorships, in missingI am thinking, for example, of the men who disappear at the gates of Europe without anyone knowing. Alexei NavalnyWe need to increase our attention, but we also need to increase the attention of others Newspaper editorswho should be with their colleagues in this fight, and companies”, insists Costante. The regional press associations of Lazio, Lombardy, Piedmont, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Calabria and Molise have already asked the Council to declare a strike: “A cake law Unfit for democracy“, they wrote.

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