Friday, July 26, 2024

From flat tax to financial peace, here are the parties’ proposals on taxes


Flat tax, Assets, Scrapping, Cashback, Wedge. Fiscal policy is traditionally one of the hottest battlegrounds of an election campaign, so every power in the field has for some time already identified key points to convince its voters and attract new ones. So far, as usual, the proposal for a “flat line” made by Forza Italia and the Lega has been replaced by a centre-right project, albeit in a more pleasant form, which has raised a lot of noise in various forms.

At the center of political controversy

But at the heart of the debate is Enrico Letta’s proposal to fund dowries for eighteen-year-old boys with an inheritance tax on millionaires’ assets, a “patriarchy yes-nemesis no” dilemma. In fact, although the tax authorities are in the center, there are few common points between the alignments (such as the reprint of the scraping, which, in its own way, does not change completely even the M5s). Political disputes, already demonstrated by the painful process of Parliament, are not yet decided, financial representatives.

Flat line against “Patrimonial”.

The centre-right principle can be summarized as follows. The program does not specify the rates (Forza Italia proposed 23%, Lega 15%), but there is an explicit reference to the “extension of flat tax for VAT numbers up to € 100,000 in turnover” and the requirement of the FdI. “Flat tax on increase in income compared to previous years”. Today the flat tax is 15% for VAT numbers with income up to 65,000 euros. The center-right also says “no to declared or masked assets,” with an implicit reference to assets attributed to the Democratic Party.

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Financial calm returns, Cav doesn’t rule out forgiveness

And in this case “balance and area” and scraping (this is the fourth) pointing to the new version is center-right. At the same time, however, the collection will not be used to offset the extension of the fixed line, requiring structural returns instead. Also, the 5 Star movement talks about “an easy definition of loans registered in character, with installments of up to 120 euros”, but rejects the idea of ​​amnesty, instead turning to Silvio Berlusconi. The Forza Italia leader didn’t even rule out the possibility of the armory withdrawing capital from abroad.

Cashback becomes “funding”.

Pentastellati, canceled by the Draghi government, have reverted to their primary status, this time proposing that deductions be gradually credited directly to the current account. A policy that has already been adopted in the Finance Committee, but its fate now seems uncertain.


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