Saturday, July 27, 2024

Farewell to Fox, the pioneer of the series in Italy


The TV series planet is a small meteor when compared to within the cinematic galaxy, initially designed to plug holes in an evolving TV stream, In the past few years, she has instead enjoyed a disproportionate number of followers: This explosion in popularity coincided with a significant increase in the average value of his products, which initially began to court genres meant for the big screen and then detached from it and found a dimension of its own. The shorter duration compared to the feature film and the periodic distribution of episodes are combined with a script that focuses critically on the final slopes to fuel the wait and media chatter, Through assumption methods that were born and developed in the United States While the rest of the world is forced to follow the latest fashions.

Seriality in Italy narrowly detached itself from public programming, but when it succeeded, it gave way to a hurricane of news that continues to swirl and seduce a growing number of fans, and it’s right to emphasize how the schedule of satellite TV to light the fuse for this brilliant, episode-breaking explosion was: Fox has brought a whole new way to enjoy TV in this beautiful country, offered programs like never before and became a pioneer in the field of entertainment thanks to a kind of proposal that is actually becoming a norm nowadays. Since July 1, this series icon has ceased to exist, but her contribution to the genre remains unparalleled.

lost and happy

The entertainment rib of the media giant led by Rupert Murdoch could count on the broadcast rights to an endless number of TV series, and One of the best ideas was to break it down by genres In different networks – filling their schedules with replays throughout the day to keep the user’s memory fresh and also capturing those who missed the first broadcast – create a target that made happy viewers who were familiar with their tastes: Fox Crime Channel has been the channel for mystery and mystery lovers, Fox Animation has always been on TV lovers in Simpson Based on FuturamaAnd the While Fox Life has literally introduced factual sequences into Italian culturethe most followed genre in the world today, which did not exist in our country before the advent of Fox.

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But it is not only in the proposed exuberance that the importance of programming must be sought, because the quality displayed on our screens – along with the cultural pervasiveness of a serialized world we are still immature – He launched real TV successes. On the satellite channel, we followed the adventures of the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, with The Lost becoming an immortal television cult, able to impress audiences unaccustomed to the news waiting. Broadcast simultaneously (or nearly) with the United StatesWatching the last episode without the dubbing, just to satiate the thirst for knowledge fueled by those hangovers.

The same treatment given by a core business the walking Dead A global phenomenon, just like Gray’s Anatomy – It is still broadcast in Italy by distant Fox producers – it is named today in the schedules of almost all public networks, while the last major TV series to end on the channel was this is us.

Legendary out of the series

So far we have praised this iconic satellite schedule for its innovations, for finally giving tangible meaning to the sequence and for being able to change Italian TV habits, but we left for the end the reason why we are so attached to this channel. Produced by Fox and Broadcast by Borisa very timeless Italian masterpiece that has influenced popular culture like very few other serial productions have managed to do.

The series’ narrative pretext sets out a real leap into the void by Fox’s directors, because it seemed impossible to make the adventures of a person familiar with a set of bad Italian fiction compelling, however. The massive popularity of the series is right before our eyes (from the heart) to prove the opposite. The apparent niche genre led to uncomfortable ratings on the satellite channel, but despite that production continued into the final season — while Season 4 will air on Disney+, we’re starting to guess what Boris 4 would look like — with executives realizing the fact that fame Boris He mostly came from the black world of piracy and streaming.

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The story wanted us to be able to enjoy this massive series until its end even without a large income from the network, because At Fox they knew they weren’t just doing a showbut – again, as they did for nearly 20 years of honorable career – they changed the course of Italian serialization forever.


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