Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Extraordinary Values” – Libero Cottidiano


Monitoring and monitoring activities Volcano on Volcano IslandIn the Aeolian Islands: Civil Defense Department ordered to change status ‘Yellow’ warning.

In accordance with the consensus of the Civil Defense Organization of the Sicilian Region and the Commission for the Prevention and Prevention of Large Risks, the Department estimates Significant differences of different parameters Volcano monitoring, discovered in recent weeks by the National Geophysics and Volcano-Ingv and the Electromagnetic Detection Agency of the Environment Cnr-Irea, requires some additional action and effort for island risk management.

“In the Volcano Valley Values ​​are out of order Only on Upper part“, The mayor of Libreau explains Marco Georgiani After attending a meeting with Ingv and Civil Defense volcanologists. “The values ​​are related to gas leakage, temperature and fumoral activity.

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“Alert level with ‘yellow’ (orange and red or may return to regular ‘green’) Full awareness of the danger, without warning, but it is important to be very responsible” adds Fabricio Curcio, Head of the Department of Civil Defense. Volcano Island already presents a typical situation Danger to people Above all it is combined with gas and high temperature fumaroles, but at this point they can intensify and extend to large areas, so it is important to remember that the risk is high. “And any significant changes will be reported immediately. “


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