Saturday, July 27, 2024

English, science and technology can now be learned in theater


“Pollution” between knowledge – human and scientific – but also between places, schools and theaters, and between regional bodies: this is the secret #mindan initiative proposed by the Cesvi and Brescia Community Foundations and selected by the Intesa Sanpaolo Formula Program for its strong educational value.

The purpose of the project that It will start in October and will remain active until June 2023, is teaching English, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics For secondary school students of the first and second class (two years) Brescia and its province in an unusual and innovative way: theatre.

The partner in the initiative is already The Teatro Grande Foundation, which has already collaborated with FCB on youth science shows: just think of the play “Planetario” that took place in May at the Teatro Grande, which was attended by more than 1,200 young people. the topic? Space, illustrated by astrophysicist Fabio Peri with a mixture of music and accessible and engaging storytelling.

“On that occasion, the audience’s interest was so great that the boys no longer wanted to leave. We hope to have the same amount of success with the #Nonsoloscience meetings. It also includes a preparatory course in the classroom and follow-up after each presentation» Amal Orita Filipini, Chief Operating Officer of FCB, who was present yesterday at the conference at FCB Headquarters, in Via Malta 16. The following two accompanied her on the presentation: Alberta Marnega, President of FCb, Umberto Angelini, of the Teatro Grande Foundation, Marco Franco Nava, Director of South Lombardi in Intesa San Paolo and Alberto Baringhi, from the Cessevi Foundation.

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To support program expenditures, Intesa Sanpaolo, who has decided to support the FCB, has included #Nonsoloscienza in the fundraising platform For Funding, which is also used in all other projects under the “Formula” theme, the bank’s “development engine” launched in 2021. Target is to reach 100 thousand euros by September; After that, they will support Intesa Sanpaolo Life and Eurizon (also do ISP). Anyone can donate, or on the site Or through an ATM if you are a customer.