Saturday, July 27, 2024

English football against … pingdemia: clubs ask football players not to download the Anti-Covid app


In the UK they call it … pingdemia and this is a situation where the NHS (British National Health Service) app indicates positive contact, forcing a precautionary quarantine. She hits soccer in Sawa…

In the UK they call it … pingdemia and this is a situation where the NHS (British National Health Service) app indicates positive contact, forcing a precautionary quarantine. Something, with the Delta variant popular across the country, is happening a lot. The app “ping” is currently the most hated sound, as it has also caused problems across the board. Stores are understaffed, because one positive customer is enough to force everyone to stay home. Something similar also happens to football teams, who only need a positive for a general quarantine. so, what are you doing?

ping – like DailyMail, To avoid a heart attack, the clubs have opted for a decidedly extreme treatment: don’t allow their members to download the app and ask those who have already done so to cancel it. The fear is quite simple: the contacts in the locker room are too close, and so every player risks receiving the dreaded ‘ping’ once someone (not necessarily a teammate, but also staff members) contacts the NHS positively. Therefore, the clubs and coaches themselves, to avoid finding themselves with the stricken teams as happened last season in case of injury, decided to ask the players to bypass the control of the British Ministry of Health and to manage any cases and quarantine inside the sports center.

problems – In short, the health service does not see and the heart does not hurt, bearing in mind that in any case the players are highly immunized and therefore should not risk that Covid-19 causes big problems. But in any case, there is something controversy, because in the end it is still a question of hiding (or at least covering up) situations that may turn out to be outbreaks. However, it is not surprising that this case emerged a week before the start of the season, as the first matches of the League Cup are scheduled to begin in early August. In fact, the problem concerns not only the excellent teams, which still have huge teams and can play good teams in case of hypoxia, but also and first of all the clubs of the lower divisions of the football league, which risk watching the matches. Postpone it or worse, to lose it on the table. The chaos that makes a season that hasn’t already started a huge problem…

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