Saturday, July 27, 2024

Presented by: Draghi, the golden moment champion for Italy


The British newspaper today expressed words of appreciation for the work of the Prime Minister, who “initiated a program of fundamental reforms and initiated a major economic recovery.”

Thanks to Mario Draghi, according to the Financial Times, Italy “has a working government”. In this sense, the greatest advantage of the Prime Minister, the former head of the European Central Bank, was overcoming the difficulties associated with the “litigation” of Italian political parties, which could not but guarantee their support for the government. The first effect is that “business leaders, foreign investors and EU partners were excited about it”. So much so that our government is now a “model of stability” and “for the first time in decades, Italy is no longer seen as synonymous with policy dysfunction.”

Thanks to Draghi-inspired confidence, Italy has secured NRR 235 billion, a key basis for the country’s relaunch, along with the rich reform plan launched by the government in recent months, which in the vaccination campaign has exceeded the EU average.

What will happen in 2023 is still unknown, but according to the FT, President Sergio Mattarella must be persuaded to stay in office for another year, to allow Draghi to complete his reform program for changing Italy.

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