Saturday, July 27, 2024

Digital ground, changes in June await shutdown


From north to south, the main changes in the digital channels of the Earth. All this, waiting for the shutdown that promises vitality.

Photo © AdobeStock

The terrestrial digital revolution will be gradual but inevitable. In fact, the change has already begun and June remains the prime month for news reporting. There have been some changes in the past few days, More than a few actually, with changes in number that affected many television sets for Italians. Of course, the changes do not affect all devices uniformly. As for the general changes, it will be a question of televisions and the ability to adapt to the new system, which is aimed at the general modernization of the entire system of domestic television use.

This time, however, he changes internally. In northern Italy, for example, Mux Videogruppo Piemonte changed the numbering with Top Planet, which slipped to channel 119 formerly occupied by Supercinema 2. The latter, in turn Decreases to LCN 199. Meanwhile, back in Piedmont, the Mux GRP Television change has been recorded, which will require resetting the channels.

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Digital Earth, changes of the week

But it was not only northern Italy that modernized the composition of its canals. Changes are also in Sicily, as reported by, as it is Mux Retecapri C that changes its position, following the expected HD transition of La TR3 (1440x1080p resolution). In Mux concerned, on a national scale, Rochannel Diaspora has been added to LCN 828With HbbTV service activated. Here too, resetting channels is the best solution to avoid having to go crazy searching for your show in a sea of ​​channels.

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After all, the discontinuation problem will also come true soon, which will bring the digital land of the Italians to DVB-T2. In recent days there has been talk of a possible postponement of the conditions for the start of the final transition to the new resolution. This is because the current deadline is September 2021 It can cause some problems for families. At least 1.4 million of them, who could not use the new service properly. Just a guess though. It is better not to do a lot of calculations.


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