Saturday, July 27, 2024

Denise Pipiton, an anonymous person who saw him says: “I met her”


“I’ve known for seventeen years, and I’m very serious.” Thus begins the anonymous letter sent “Who saw it?“In the case Denise Pipidone. The baby’s mother will be the same person who sent the lawyer to Giacomo Frosita and the baby’s mother to Pierre Magio. “Please, after 17 years, give voice to many of us,” Mom writes on social media.

Former attorney Angeoni Denis Pipiton: “Kidnapped by many, many in Masara have done something suspicious”

The letter contains Three pages. Anonymous claims that on that first September 2004 he was in his car, in another car in the Mazara del Vallo. He looks in the mirror and says he saw Denise and three others at the time.

The mystery of the missing four-year-old girl from Denise Pipiton, Massara del Vallo

During the episode, led by Federica Ciarelli, some lines of the trial were withdrawn, and Marcela’s former attorney general was interviewed. Alberto de Pizza. “The thesis I have always supported is a story that arises in the family sphere – he says – our thesis is that Jessica Bulizi took the baby and gave it to the gypsies (who we do not know who) immediately left. We believe she’s still alive. If someone speaks and says something, it makes sense to reopen the trial, otherwise it’s a waste of time. “


Last Updated: May 20, 01:02

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