Saturday, July 27, 2024

Covid, new rules for entry into Switzerland: double buffer and entry form


double buffer Mandatory for those entering Swiss from outside from which country, but with a series of Exceptions. They are in fact exempt from the obligation to take the test and fill out the registration form people passing by Through Switzerland non-stop, who transports goods or people professionally, I border workers h i Children under 16 years old. So far, these are the classes that were already anticipated two weeks ago, when it was announced from Bern Anti-Covid pressure. In the final document, however, the people from border areas, In thisThe Federal Council intends to take into account Close business, social and cultural relations in these areas. “So the procedure is also about Ticino and Grisonscantons on the border with Lombardy.

That’s why the Swiss Federal Council today launched new laws to stop COVID-19, the rules will come into effect from Monday 20 September. In a detailed press release summarizing the measures point by point, the Swiss government explained: “In light of the autumn holidays and on the basis of the experiences carried out after the summer holidays, the Federal Council has decided to introduce new health measures at the border.”

Obligation to screen unvaccinated or untreated persons upon entering Switzerland

Anyone who has not been vaccinated or cured should submit negative test (Antigen or Pcr) in the entrance In Switzerland, regardless of the country of origin and the means of transport used. Between the fourth and seventh day After arriving in Switzerland, you will have to undergo second test. This test will be subject to a fee and the result must be sent to the relevant cantonal service. the people vaccination or recovery iPossession of a Covid certificate or other document proving that vaccination or recovery occurred exempt from the test.

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Obligation to fill out the registration form

All people entering Switzerland, whether vaccinated, cured or tested negative, must also do so. Fill out the entry form (Passenger Locator Model, Swiss PLF). This will allow cantons to conduct random checks to check whether unvaccinated or untreated people who gave a negative test upon entry to Switzerland had a second test between the fourth and seventh day after their arrival.

Test and form are not mandatory for cross-border travelers

widget and access exempt from obligation To take the test and fill out the entry form for people who Crossing through Switzerland without stopping, spend Professionally transports goods or people, I border workers and people of one border area. In this way, the Federal Council intends to take into account the close commercial, social and cultural relations in these areas. Nor is it subject to the i الاختبار test obligation Children under 16 years old.

risk based controls

every day after that two million people and more than million vehicles across the Swiss border. Risk-based controls will be implemented to ensure compliance with the new rules. Anyone who cannot submit a negative test to customs must take the test immediately upon entering Switzerland. The cantons will have to check that check samples Whether untreated or unvaccinated subjects had the second test. In case of violation of the rules, disciplinary fines may be imposed (200 francs for those who do not present a test certificate and 100 francs for those who do not complete the form). The Airlines and works Long distance bus lines They will have to check if the incoming people have completed the PLF and have a Covid or test certificate. The Federal Customs Administration and relevant local police units will carry out risk-based checks for all types of cross-border traffic. In a few weeks, the Federal Council will assess the experience gained from implementing the new rules and, if necessary, adapt them.

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Entry requirements: compatibility with the Schengen area

The current entry provisions remain unchanged. The State Secretariat for Immigration continues to maintain a list Countries at risk Which determines who can enter Switzerland. All countries outside schizophrenic spacen Not included in the list is still considered vulnerable. Therefore, the restrictions in effect will continue to apply to non-vaccinated third-country nationals from these countries. As a Schengen affiliated country, Switzerland issues its entry regulations in accordance with the decisions ofEuropean Union. Use the online tool ‘travel check’ You can check who from which country and under what conditions they can enter Switzerland.

Covid certificate for people who have been vaccinated or recovered abroad

As of September 20, all persons residing or arriving in Switzerland All’estero . vaccination Vaccine approved byEuropean Medicines Agency will be able to Apply for a Swiss Covid Certificate. In this way, it is intended to ensure participation in social life also for people who have been vaccinated or cured abroad, such as tourists for example. At the moment only the certificates of countries using Covid digital certificate from EU I Compatible with the Swiss system. Documents can be sent electronically. Each canton will have to decide which contact persons who have been vaccinated abroad can contact. All cantonal contact points will be listed on a federal website. The Federation’s working group, in which the Federal Ministries of the Interior, Foreign Affairs and Finance will be represented, will follow up the implementation together with the cantons and other bodies (data protection). The goal is an efficient, easy and attentive solution to customer needs. In the transition period that will last until October 10, 2021, all foreign vaccination certificates (such as the WHO certificate) will be recognized for access to facilities or events for which certification is mandatory. As in neighboring countries, access to certification will not be extended to all WHO-recognised vaccines. The exceptions are Swiss returning abroad, third-country nationals residing in the European Union working in Switzerland, staff of international organizations, accredited diplomatic staff and students.

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Consultation results

The Federal Council had put it up for consultation Two different types of adaptation Among the provisions for entry: one of them stipulates the obligation to undergo a second test, and the other is to adhere to the quarantine. Given the results of the consultation, the first alternative was chosen, which is more practical and less expensive for the cantons.


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