Saturday, July 27, 2024

Corrado Formelli: “I will tell you about Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini’s objection to my program.”


Tonight Corrado Formelli and Alberto Nerazzini made their debut after 100 minutes on La7. We begin with the “Rome, Open City” investigation about the mafia in the capital. The format includes one guest: this evening the first will be Nicola Gratteri, Public Prosecutor of Naples. Today in an interview with printing Host Piazzapolita talks about the veto power of the Italian brothers and the League: “It was issued by Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini.” While in Rai “With the structural reform approved during the Draghi government, responsibility for programs has passed to managers of macro structures extending to networks. This has led to the cancellation of Indian reserves like Rai 3 as different information has been provided.”

the ban

Formelli explains how the ban on FDI and the Northern League works: “From ministers to small town councillors, if anyone wants to participate in my programme, they must first ask permission from the party communications office. The office prevents their participation by denying people the right to express themselves. In Lega and Fratelli d'Italia, we mean communication by deciding to go where they want, to speak when they want, and to refuse to go into contexts where there is no red carpet. “To me, it seems like a scam, and an example of massive arrogance on the part of those in power at the expense of citizens who are not properly and freely informed as is their right.”


Regarding the electoral campaign for the European elections, “We had a pre-election preview in Abruzzo when several ministers went at taxpayers’ expense to open roads and visit schools: the Italians paid for the centre-right’s election campaign. We are facing a real emergency with leaders who do not confront each other, and ministers who are scandalized if you wait for them in the street to ask a question. “Everything is organized but there is no need to let them speak to provide information.”

See also  Anna Moroni, Lydia Bastianich, Episodes,

Conflict of interest

Even if Berlusconi is no longer with us, Michele Santoro's former envoy says the problem of conflict of interest still exists: “We must start from the assumption: in Italy there is an anomaly that emerges with the presence of the right in the government. The three special Mediaset grids indicate Forza Italia and the center right. When those who also rule Rai music – and they have never seized it with such greed as they do now, eliminating any dissenting voice – we find ourselves faced with six networks that point to the government. To this basic situation we must add that the equality of opportunity, a law in itself ridiculous for any journalist, was imposed precisely because of the Italian anomaly.

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