Friday, July 26, 2024

Compulsory green lane, valid for business


A green pass is mandatory in workplaces, public and private, from October 15 to December 31. Signed and published by the President of the Republic and published in the Official Gazette, a decree-law comes into force that expands the obligation to show a green certificate to 23 million workers: the military includes representatives and senators but also domestic helpers, nannies and caregivers. . For workers who do not have a permit, the suspension is no longer activated, but the salary will stop immediately . Meanwhile, the House of Representatives yesterday confirmed confidence in the government regarding the second green corridor decree on schools and transportation.

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Green Pass and public officials

“From October 15, 2021 to December 31, 2021, the deadline for ending the state of emergency, in order to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection, to employees of public administrations, to employees of the independent administration. Authorities, including That the National Committee for Society, the Stock Exchange and the Supervisory Committee for Pension Funds, of the Bank of Italy, as well as public economic bodies and bodies of constitutional importance, for the purpose of accessing the places where they work, it is mandatory to possess and display a green Covid-19 certificate on demand”, reads Art. 1.

Green Pass and private sector workers

Article 3 of the decree sets out the framework for workers in the private sector. Those who do not have the work permit “are considered unjustifiably absent until the presentation of the aforementioned certificate and, in any case, no later than December 31, 2021, without disciplinary consequences and have the right to maintain the employment relationship. For days of unexplained absence, salary or other rewards or rewards, whatever they may be called.”

“For companies with less than fifteen employees, after the fifth day of unjustified absence referred to in paragraph 6, the employer may suspend the worker from work for the period corresponding to the employment contract provided for in the replacement, in any case for a period not exceeding ten days, Renewable for one time, and no later than the aforementioned deadline of December 31, 2021”

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The green lane and the first dose

The decree in Article 5 modified the timing of granting the green passport to those receiving the first dose of the vaccine: the certificate is not issued after 15 days but “from the same administration.” So, immediately.

Green traffic judge eI

“October 15, 2021, until December 31, 2021, the deadline for ending the state of emergency, in order to protect public health and maintain adequate security conditions, lay and administrative judges, accountants, military, lawyers and prosecutors, members of tax commissions have no access to Judicial offices if they do not possess and, upon request, do not show a Covid-19 green certificate,” Article 2. “Provisions (…) also apply to the Honorary Judge” While it is specified, the provisions “do not apply to attorneys and others From advocates, advisors, experts and other assistants to the justice of the peace not connected to the departments of justice, witnesses and parties to the trial.

Extended Green Corridor: fines and penalties

What are the risks of a worker who does not have them? With the introduction of the obligation, fines of up to 1,500 euros are expected for those found without a certificate. More specifically, “the arrival of employees to the workplace” without the green corridor is punishable by an “administrative sanction with the payment of an amount between 600 and 1,500 euros”. Unpaid workers who present themselves in the workplace without the green pass. An employee who does not have a vaccination passport is, in fact, “considered unjustifiably absent until the presentation of the above-mentioned certificate and, in any case, no later than December 31, 2021, the expiration of the state of emergency, without disciplinary consequences and with the right to maintain the employment relationship.. For the days of unexplained absence referred to in the first period, no wages or any other wages or salaries, whatever they may be called, shall be due.

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The fines are not only for employees but also for employers who have no control. The legislative decree passed by the Cabinet today on the extension of the vaccination passport actually stipulates that verification must be done, with fines – for those who do not do so – ranging from 400 to a thousand euros.

Green Corridor, to whom do you belong

The Green Corridor is for citizens over the age of 12 who fall into one of three categories: receiving a coronavirus vaccine; be negative on the rapid molecular test or antigen test within the past 48 hours; To have recovered from Covid 19 in the past six months. The Green Certificate is automatically issued and made available free of charge if: after the first dose or single-dose vaccine has been administered for at least 15 days; have completed a course of vaccination; The test result has been negative on a molecular or rapid swab within the past 48 hours; To be cured of covid in the last 6 months.

Green Pass, exempt

Green Passage is not mandatory for:

Children under 12 years of age who are excluded from the vaccination campaign.

Substances excluded for health reasons from vaccination on the basis of an appropriate medical certificate. Until September 30, 2021, paper exemption certificates can be issued free of charge by vaccinators to regional health service companies and agencies or by freely selected general practitioners or pediatricians of the patient. used. Operate as part of the national campaign against SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, according to the procedures and on the basis of the precautions and contraindications specified in the Ministry of Health Circular of August 4, 2021. Vaccine exemption certificates already issued by the services are regional health always valid until September 30;

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Citizens who received ReiThera vaccine (one or two doses) as part of the Covitar trial. The certificate, valid until September 30, 2021, will be issued by the physician in charge of the trial center in which it was carried out based on the Ministry of Health circular of August 5, 2021.

Green Pass, how to get it

The Green Pass can be viewed, obtained, downloaded – as well as printed – through various digital channels. The sources are different: on the dedicated site; Through the regional electronic health record website; In the Immuni application; With the IO application. For those who find it difficult or unavailable to use these digital tools, general practitioners, free-choice pediatricians, and pharmacists with access to the health card system will participate. For more information, you can visit the website specially created by the government ( or call the toll-free number of the Immuni app at 800.91.24.91 active every day from 8 to 20.

The green lane, how long does it last

The duration of the green card in Italy is supposed to be 12 months. In fact, CTS has given the green light to extend from 9 months to 1 year from the expiration of the covid-19 green certificate. According to the rules that were initially established, the validity of the document was tied to the method of issuing the document. In negative swab cases, a Covid certificate is issued within a few hours and valid for 48 hours from the time of collection. In cases of recovery, it is produced within the next day and valid for 180 days.


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