Saturday, July 27, 2024

Coming up hot! All cities will reach a minimum of 20°C over the weekend


The first real heat of the season is here! It looks like spring

The first spring heat will come! Temperatures are forecast to top 20 degrees Celsius by the end of next week.

After a long period characterized by a capricious climate, we are preparing to welcome the arrivalAfrican resistanceIt moves freely northwards with the aim of diverting the unstable Atlantic currents towards more northern latitudes.
In the coming days we will witness a Increase in temperatureNot only because of the significant sunlight, but also because of the length of daylight hours, a clear sign of seasonal change.
As we approach the weekend, we expect temperatures to reach or exceed the threshold 20°C.

But where will this warming be felt most?? In general, under the influence of anticyclones of African origin, the largest increase in temperature occurs in the south. Let's take for example Sicily: Estimated from already Friday March 15th In some cities, etc SyracusePeaks can be reached 21/22°C.
Temperatures in the center and even in the Po Valley are forecast to remain steady 19/20°CFor example in cities like Firenze, Ferrara, Bologna e Milano.

It doesn't end there: early next week, the south, again led by Sicily, looks likely to record further increases and peak. 23/24°C.
In short, all things considered, it seems that we are already fully into spring!

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