Saturday, July 27, 2024

Cold Storm Arwen chases GB, at least two dead – last hour


(ANSA) – ROME, Nov 27 – At least two people have died in Northern Ireland and northern England, affected, along with north-central England and Wales, by the wrath of cold Storm Arwen, fed by gusting winds with peaks reaching higher. to nearly 160 km per hour, leaving tens of thousands of people without power while many flights and trains were cancelled.

British media said the two victims were two men injured by trees that were broken or uprooted by angry winds, one in Antrim in Northern Ireland and the other in the English county of Cumbria in northeastern England. .

The wind record was recorded in Northumberland, in the northwest of England. But there are reports that at least 80,000 people are without power in Scotland, and at least 120 trucks are stranded in snow in Rochdale, near Manchester, and the media have also shown that trucks overturned due to Irwin’s wrath.

Railroad companies in the affected areas urged commuters to stay at home until at least Monday. (Dealing).

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