Saturday, July 27, 2024

Climate: Dixie Fire continues to burn California – last hour


(ANSA) – NEW YORK, Aug. 09 – Dixie Fire continues to burn California. The fire is one of 11 ravaging the state and is exacerbated by the hot, dry and windy climate. Conditions may not improve any time soon, hampering the work of 8,500 firefighters committed to fighting the flames.

The Dixie fire has already led to the evacuation of thousands of people, about 39% of the population of Plumas County.

It also destroyed a historic fire lookout point perched atop Mount Harkness in Lassen Volcanic National Park. California Governor Gavin Newsom visited the fire-ravaged city of Greenville last week, saying, “We have a huge responsibility to rebuild this community.” “It’s also about the intensity of what’s happening globally, but it’s manifesting in an exciting way here in California – and that’s climate change,” he added. (handle).

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