Saturday, July 27, 2024

Check the hypothesis of curfew on holidays


The Omicron variant spreads throughout Europe and the infection doubles within 1-3 days. In Italy, the omicron sequence increased to 84 Analyzed and deposited on the ICoGen platform, which receives reports from a network of more than 70 regional laboratories coordinated by the Higher Institute of Health (issue). data “Strong growth compared to 55 yesterday morning.”. Most of the reports came from Lombardy (33) and Campania (20), While the variant is reported overall in 13 regions (Lazio 8, Puglia 7, Veneto 5, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna 2, Abruzzo, Calabria, Liguria, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany 1) and 1 PA (Bolzano, 1).

An extension of the vaccination obligation to new groups is considered

Three hypotheses on the table Control room, called for Thursday, December 23 Next, headed by Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Another possible extension of the vaccination obligation to certain categories of greater contact with the public. The potential assessment will also be made on the basis of the results of the new rapid survey (rapid survey) decided by the Ministry of Health to estimate the prevalence of the Omicron variant in Italy, which will be conducted on Monday, December 20.

Obligation to wear masks outdoors or the possibility to request tampons, in addition to the green lane, to access particularly crowded indoor spaces, such as discos. These are some of the measures the control room can evaluate “Encouraging the Observance of Wise Conduct” during the holidays. Government sources confirmed that the meeting aims to assess the situation in light of the updated data on Covid and to make assessments on possible measures for the upcoming holidays. We could also consider the possibility of shortening the duration of the green pass.

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e In the Official Gazette, the Dpcm which indicates the procedures for canceling the green pass if the certificate holder is positive During the validity period of the document or in the case of forged permits. “National Platform – Dgc” generates automatic cancellation in case of a positive result. The European portal will also be notified of the same cancellation. It will then be automatically canceled after the Green Healing Certificate is issued.

The “selective curfew” hypothesis

According to newspaper rumors printingThe Draghi government thinks Some limitations The “Austrian model” is viewed with interest. Austrian Health Minister Wolfgang Mikstein announced that Christmas will be put in quarantine for “No Vax”, which from December 24 to 26 By the end of the year they will be able to leave the house “only to visit loved ones”. So there is a hypothesis selective curfew On the days most prone to gatherings and at times. Meanwhile, CTS epidemiologist Donato Greco raised the alarm: “Omicron has high transmissibility It is destined to spread to us as well.”

In France, the hypothesis of “great limitations”

strong Fears also in France. The French Scientific Committee for the Covid Emergency has called on the Paris government to provide “Big restrictions” for the New Year. “Given the accelerating spread of the epidemic and the risks associated with festive activities at the end of the year, the authorities should be able to take significant restrictive measures, including, where appropriate, restriction of mass activities or curfews,” a note from the committee said. This morning, the Paris City Council announced the cancellation of fireworks and concerts scheduled on the Champs Elysees on the evening of December 31.

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