Saturday, July 27, 2024

Ceinge, Omicron Multiplication, 3 Versions in Italy – Biotech


There are three ‘sisters’ of the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529) of the SarsCoV2 virus currently in circulation in Italy, where no species other than the Delta presence or Omicron has been identified. The latter refers to the virus which is now 100% in circulation, but its first version, BA.1, shrinks under the pressure of BA.1.1, is now 36%, and BA.2, 5% A is the third sub variant, BA. .3, which is currently very low. This is an advanced Ceinge-Biotechnology analysis based on data from Gisaid International Bank.

“We talked about PA1, which is currently 53% of the virus that spreads in our country, but in fact there are new variants of the ‘new omigron’,” notes Massimo Sollo, a geneticist who coordinates the Govt task force. Processed by Angelo Boccia.

“The Omicron BA.1 subtype is the most common, considering all the infectious events in the last 60 days, but it is gradually getting thinner, while BA.2 and BA.1.1 are gradually expanding,” Boccia notes. An analysis of the mutations then accumulated by sub-variations reveals that family similarities can only be talked about up to a certain point. “The BA1.1 sub variant is similar to BA.1 and derives from it. BA.2, on the other hand, has mutations that distinguish it from BA.1,” says Poseidon.

“New mutations are also being observed and it is not known whether they will be caught,” says Zolo. What we see is that the geneticist goes on to say that “most mutations are found in spike (S) protein, through which the virus attacks human cells” in all subtypes of Omicron. One phenomenon, Jollo notes, is that it “makes us think that the virus is looking for new entry keys and ways to escape antibodies. Jollo, however, concluded that “integrated data is needed to prove this hypothesis.” As for the other mutations observed, these are found above all in the nucleoside (N) protein, which is important because it helps the virus copy, and at this time no selective pressure is observed.

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