Friday, July 26, 2024

Bper formed the Sustainability Committee and entered the Mib Esg Index for Bursa Italia


The Bper Banca Board of Directors has established the Sustainability Committee, which undertakes advisory and propositional functions, and supports the Board’s activities on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues while reflecting on all processes through which Bper ensures the pursuit of sustainable development. According to a note, the committee is chaired by the president of Bper Banca, Flavia Mazzarella, and consists of bank directors Riccardo Barbieri and Elisa Valeriani. Bper Banca is included in the new Mib ESG Index of Bursa Italiana, part of the Euronext Group, dedicated to national mega-companies that brings together the major listed Italian exporters offering ESG best practices. The index, launched by Euronext in collaboration with Vigeo Eiris (part of Moody’s Esg Solutions), combines economic performance measurement with ESG assessments in line with the principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

“We wanted – we explained to Bper Banca Chairman, Flavia Mazzarella – to create an internal board committee that would govern Bper Banca’s position on sustainability issues. I am very satisfied with this finding, which sums up the importance these issues cover in a strategy to the level of evolution of ESG governance at Bper Banca also related to At the administrative levels: The ESG Strategy Office has been created which will report directly to the Board of Directors and will support, in a transverse manner, all the Bank’s functions in managing ESG issues The entry into the new Mib Esg Index for Bursa Italiana – concludes Mazzarella – further confirms the quality of the work we do “.

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For Bper Banca, sustainability must be understood as a real lever of global development, capable of improving competitiveness and building shared value for all stakeholders. Indeed, the Bank continues its path toward sustainable growth with increasingly challenging goals, as articulated in the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, to which it has committed since 2017.

Last July, Bper Banca also signed the Unep-Fi Principles for Responsible Banking, in order to help create a better, more inclusive and sustainable society.


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