Saturday, July 27, 2024

Axel Springer fires O’Day journalists and replaces them with artificial intelligence –


«The generator of new trending news Driven exclusively by artificial intelligence“It will replace the work of real journalists.

While the European Union has passed the Artificial Intelligence Law, the world’s first law on artificial intelligence, news is reaching that it is not a sci-fi scenario from a TV series but a reality. Arrives todayan international news app and website that also has a newspaper registered in Italy.

in the coming days The editorial office in Milan will be closed: three journalists and a printing press will lose their jobs Although a source reveals to courierThe active section in our country is still generating profits. Advertised by Axel Springerthe German giant (headquartered in Berlin) of digital publishing, which in addition to Arrives today It publishes, among other things, newspapers Bild H the world He also owns the site POLITICOpurchased in October 2021 for more than $1 billion.

The app was created in partnership with Samsung and has arrived in Italy

Upday has debuted in some European countries (Germany, France, Poland and the United Kingdom). March 2016 As a result of an agreement (signed the previous year) between Axel Springer and Samsung.

After one year, In March 2017, he arrived in ItalySpain and later in Scandinavia. It was opened in Milan An editorial team consisting of five journalists and a director Editor and responsible, Giorgio E. Baglio Business personality Dedicated to collecting ads.

The application is pre-installed on Samsung Galaxy smartphones S7 was initially designed as a simple »complex» News, i.e. selection of articles or editorial products edited by other newspapers. However, over time, it has also evolved Self-produced news and original content sitecoming has sHDonations in 16 European countries It can be read in 34 countries, and also arrives in the App Store for the iPhone’s iOS operating system. In 2020 Arrives today It had around 25 million active users, becoming one of the most read news apps in Europe and consistently making money. At the time of its greatest expansion, it employed about 150 people across Europe, about half of whom were journalists.

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Change strategy

In 2023, German publisher Axel Springer’s strategies regarding… Arrives today However, they have changed. actually Last June, several European editorial offices suffered major cutsI: The Italian period witnessed the dismissal of director Baglio, in addition to editors and a printer.

The move came two months after it debuted in the United States Samsung Newsa news aggregator born from a partnership between Arrives today And the South Korean giant. Some rumors regarding this project talk about An economic result much lower than expected Consequently, it had an impact on the company’s accounts.

Regardless of the possible motive. A few days ago for the remaining Italian employees on staff Arrives today The dismissal notice has arrived. But yesterday, the official press release arrived from Axel Springer in which he announced that “the cooperation with Samsung will end at the end of the year” and, above all, that “Axel Springer will use the brand Arrives today For a new trending news generator powered solely by artificial intelligence».

Get out with the editors, make room for the AI

The new application, which will always be called Arrives todayIt will debut next summer. In this scenario, the space allocated to journalists is significantly reduced, as evidenced by the closure of the Italian editorial office.

In the press release, Axel Springer did not specify this, however All editorial offices should be gradually dismantled. Camel Thomas Hirsch, CEO Arrives todayHe doesn’t leave much room for interpretation: in the statement he thanks “all his colleagues who worked with passion and commitment to make this happen.” Arrives today “one of the largest news apps in Europe” and says he can’t wait “to see how the new product will exploit the opportunities and possibilities offered by artificial intelligence.” Goodbye old journalism and hello to the (potential) future. And now it actually exists.

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