Saturday, July 27, 2024

Atreju, Meloni attend FdI event for Eddy Rama, Elon Musk and Sunak


President of the Assembly Georgia Meloney In the morning the FdI event came to Atreju to listen to the Albanian Prime Minister in the front row Eddie Rama. The arrival of the Prime Minister was greeted with applause. Owner of Tesla and X, billionaire Elon Musk He appeared on stage with one of his children. “Population is important,” he begins. On one side of the event, Meloni and Musk sequestered themselves in a room in the hospitality area for three-quarters of an hour, talking about artificial intelligence, birth rates and, at the center, Starlink, the satellite system of SpaceX, the company that owns it.

And in the afternoon a speech by the English Prime Minister Rishi Sunak Before that there was a hug between him and Melony.

Musk between Population and Settlement

“Immigration” cannot solve the “population” decline of industrialized nations, Musk underscores, citing the case of “China losing 40% of its population.” “My advice to all government leaders and people: Make sure you have. Children are the new generation.

Elon Musk later urged Italians and other industrialized countries to have children “or the culture of Italy, Japan and France will disappear.” “We can no longer have these countries. Italy certainly has borders, but it is made up of Italians, made up of people”, he underlined.

The prime minister was with the head of Vox, listening to Musk Santiago Abascal E Da Eddie Rama.

Rama: “Confidence about immigration deal, it’s not unconstitutional”

“I believe that a disproportionate amount of noise has been made about the history of this agreement, which is quite normal… No one should be surprised, afraid or surprised when agreements are made for common understanding and benefit.” This is how Eddie Rama refers to the agreement on migrants. “It’s always an honor to lend a hand when Italy asks us, and it’s always a privilege to consider ourselves Italy’s special friend, doing everything to be Italy’s sister country.”

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“The Albanian Constitutional Court has done its duty, because according to the constitution it must automatically suspend the agreement before it is approved by the parliament. This is proof that I do not control the courts in Albania”. Ram added. “I am sure that there is nothing unconstitutional in this agreement. The deadline is by March, but I believe that the decision will be made much earlier because it is a very important agreement and both governments need to know whether they can move forward or not.” .

“We had other requests from European countries” to accept migrants, “but we said no,” he revealed.

Atreju 2023, Rama: “we are Italy’s brother country, there would be no problem if Albania was open to immigrants and not France”

Sunak: “Use Thatcher’s Extremism”

“Thatcher understood that ideas only mattered if they were implemented. She never backed down even when the fight was tough, and today we need to use Thatcher’s radicalism when it comes to illegal immigration. Our opponents want to put their heads in the sand. Let the problem go away by itself, but it doesn’t work that way. This year 50% of immigrants arrived. Go to Lampedusa: this is no longer sustainable, it is not right, it is immoral.” British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced this while speaking at Adreju.

“We decide who should enter, not criminal gangs,” he added, underlining that “Georgia signed an agreement with Albania and I with Rwanda on immigrants.” “We want to undermine the criminal model” of illegal immigration.

Sunak later recalled that with Giorgia Meloni “we have a very solid and strong friendship that is reuniting. We are Atlanticists, conservatives, we support NATO and are against Russian aggression against Ukraine.” And the Prime Minister hit back: “He’s a conservative leader, a friend of Italy, a personal friend of mine, with whom we share the fundamental issues of our time – immigration, artificial intelligence, the family – and we’ve built a relationship. Which is fruitful.”

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The day’s events included a debate on Italian excellence in sport, with Minister Andrea Abodi, National Football Team Coach Luciano Spalletti, National Tennis Team Captain Filippo Volantri, Olympic Champion Gregorio Paltrinieri and Paralympic Champion Ambra. Sabatini and fencing Olympian Elisa De Francisca.

This was followed by a discussion on food and health, with the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lolloprigida, and the Minister of Health, Horacio Schillaci; Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi and, among other participants, Marco Minniti will discuss the topic of immigration. A debate on Italy’s geopolitical role will take place at 4pm with Undersecretary Giovanbattista Fazzolari, Defense Minister Guido Croceto, Eni CEO Claudio Descalzi and Deputy Foreign Minister Edmundo Cirelli. At the same time, there will be a debate on taxation with the Deputy Minister of Economy, Maurizio Leo, and Iv’s Luigi Maratin. At 5pm there will be another Made in Italy, excellent value, with minister Adolfo Urso, action Carlo Calenda and Matteo Zoppas. Then at 6pm there will be a discussion on Italian cinema with Michael Placido, Riccardo Scamarzio and Giampalo Rossi, and at 8pm the Atreju Prize will be awarded to world junior karate champion Chiara Tagliafierro.


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