Saturday, July 27, 2024

Athletics cured Marcel Jacobs: “I’m better, the goal goes to the Europeans”


Growing optimism? we will see. In the data you provided Gazzetta dello sport This feeling becomes clear with regard to Marcel Jacobs. The Olympic double champion in Tokyo today celebrates the one-year anniversary of that remarkable day when Italy Athletics managed to outpace the double gold in a few minutes of Marcel and Jimbo Tampere in the high jump in the Five Circuit Show.

The water passed under the bridges and in this open air of 2022 there was a lot of trouble for Jacobs. It can all be traced back to that ‘damned’ May 6, when an gastrointestinal virus forced him to miss the meeting in Nairobi. This was followed on May 23 by a distraction to the left bicep (the Golden Gala skipped), on May 30 a feeling of discomfort in the buttocks (there is no Diamond League in Stockholm) and on July 16 the last leg, the well-known injury in the process of scarring of the adductor muscle Right in Eugene (US), home of the 2022 World Cup.

There was talk of good news and it was Jacobs himself who reported it to Rosea:In this outdoor season, there were many dynamics that did not allow me to deliver what I deserved. I’m better now and we have a European, The target is moving there. First of all, I should think about recovery“.

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Let’s see if we’ll really see it in a couple of weeks at the start of the 100m altitude To play for something important or not. It has been said and written that if Jacobs were present, His commitment will be limited to the individual race only and not to 4 x 100, precisely because of the impossibility of coping with many transformations. Time, from this point of view, will be a gentleman and will help us understand.

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Jacobs underwent one this morning Magnetic Resonance at the Institute of Sports Sciences. Show scan muscle injury healing From the large adductor of the right thigh, but with The presence of mild edema of vascular remodeling. Such a diagnosis allows one resume trainingBut the decision to participate in the next European Championship will not be taken until the next few days.

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