Saturday, July 27, 2024

Are you protected by the vaccine? Here is the truth about scales


While waiting for RNA vaccines to be “updated”, there is new great news Security Among those currently in use in the entire population: Despite the delta variant, Pfizer and Moderna accounted for 91% of infection prevention in both doses and 81% after a single dose.

What the study says

These numbers are now revealed by a new study published New England Journal of Medicine Conducted in the United States of 3975 health professionals: The average viral load in participants with infection (only 5%) was 40% lower than in partially or fully vaccinated participants. Furthermore, the risk of influenza symptoms was found to be 58% lower and the duration of the disease was much longer Short, With disease less than 2.3 days in bed. In short, the Delta variant reduced its performance by only two to three percentage points compared to the initial safety data of 95% with Pfizer and 94% with Moderna (always with a complete cycle). However, be careful, because the protection between alpha variants (formerly English) with 70-75% Pfizer and even 50-60% AstraZeneca in the interval between the first and second doses is low.

The risk is called delta

However, as mentioned, variations reduce the effectiveness of vaccines prepared and developed several months ago: protection against serious diseases and infections is always very high, with variation, as opposed to the currently dominant variant alpha in Italy Delta It drops to 85-90%, which means that 10-15% of those who are fully vaccinated may become infected, but underline it, without developing severe forms of the disease (almost never). However, for AstraZeneca, it drops from 70-75% to 65-70%. However, there has been only a single dose decline against Delta: it is 30% effective with Pfizer and 20% with Astrogeneka. That is, 70-80% of people may become infected within two weeks of the first injection because the immune system has not yet developed. Antibodies Enough. However, as noted, as the UK demonstrates, British cases are on the rise, but deaths and ICU enrollment are very low, which demonstrates how well the vaccines currently in use work, even with the delta variant.

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How long the protection will last

As studies proliferate, true knowledge is no longer available Time Vaccine protection: Report Courier service, Vaccinated chiefs are doctors who complete both doses in late January and the best time to be protected is four to six months after the first dose. However, those who have not yet received any vaccine dose, the risk of contracting the virus against the delta variant is very low, at least 20-30% of those who take a single dose are protected, 60-70% of those who recover from the disease, 70-80% of those who are vaccinated in two doses, and those who are already infected and vaccinated At least 90% are. However, as mentioned earlier, the vaccines we receive in 2022 (so-called third dose or booster) will have to be replaced with the new virus in circulation: those with RNA, fortunately, will have to be replaced in a few weeks with new variants of Covit-19, which are normal It is a big step back to the level.


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