Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘Annoying’, ‘Friend of Israel’: Gualtieri and Mitchiti clash


Political clashes erupted just over a week before the polls. to me Rome The game is very open and therefore the two candidates will play it until the last vote. In the past few hours a storm broke out Enrico Michetti, who ended up at the center of the controversy for an article (titled “Doers by chance or by interest?”) written in February 2020 on the Radio Radio website. His article was about The Holocaust: The center-right candidate for mayor wondered why the same kind of compassion and consideration were not given to the victims of sewage and other massacres.

Maybe because they don’t own banks and they don’t belong to pressure groups capable of deciding the fate of the planet“His regard was strong. However, Mishti’s clarification came right away, that he considers the Holocaust.”Unique in its brutalityThat’s by saying.Lowest point in history“Therefore, he advocated keeping the threshold for attention always high, specifically to prevent recurring episodes of anti-Semitism.

Remembering other tragedies in history does not add or take away anything from the Holocaust which is a single unit that should help us think and act against all forms of racism and discrimination. We need to focus on memory education‘,” noted the center-right candidate.

Gualtiere dash

Not long waiting for a position Roberto Gualtieriwho judges the words of his opponentvery serious‘Because they risk hesitation’Serious anti-Semitic prejudices“.the Democratic candidate for mayor believes.”disturbing“The fact that Mitchiti is back.”Fake theories about lobbyists and banksThe attack also took place Carlo Calenda, Leader of the Labor Organization: “This article is more serious than the usual nonsense about Rome. Repeating cliches about anti-Semitism is unacceptable“.

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Then came the answer Paolo TransaciniAnd, as the left’s mechanistic accusations blatantly suggest, the Democratic Party is deeply afraid of losing out on the voting round in Rome. vice Italy brothers He called on the red side to distance themselves.”Among those opponents that we find on the left are promoting true hatred of the Jewish people“.

Michetti’s Challenge

However, Mishti does not want to question his closeness and friendship with the Jewish people: “I have always condemned abominations in an absolute manner as can be found in all of my previous pronouncements: the racist laws, the Holocaust, as well as the slave trade, and every other form of hatred against mankind represents the lowest point in human history.“.

In this sense he launched a proposal to Gualtieri of the Democratic Party. The center-right mayor candidate in the FdI stake said he’s ready to sign – with lists supporting him – an appeal to support Israel, Considered “The bastion of democracy in the Middle East“.so he asked Gualtieri and the lists that support him.”If they are willing to do the same“.


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