Saturday, July 27, 2024

Andrea Cerioli angry at the untouchables, Valentina Faris burst into tears


Andrea Cerioli is angry at the behavior of the outcasts from L’Isola dei Famosi, who are making a minor fishing expedition in a competition between them, while Valentina Percia bursts into tears.

a Cayo Paloma The situation has been tense since Die drowned Celebrity Island They cannot light a fire and feed themselves properly. Thus, the competitors organize a fishing trip but Andrea Cerioli It rages, and this constant rivalry finds absurdity even in joint ventures. Shortly thereafter vent bologneseAnd the Valentina Faris bursts in tears, I’m sorry that cerulean He did nothing to clear up the misunderstanding that had arisen between them in recent weeks.

Isola de Famusi, Andrea Cerioli blunt: ‘You don’t have to be racing’

last week in Honduras For the untouchables of the fifteenth edition of Celebrity Island It didn’t start as hoped. Elari Place بلا I decided to change everything at the last minute, sending the finalists Cayo Paloma Without giving them the opportunity to light a fire, if they could not rely solely on their cunning. Despite attempts, no one managed to light a single torch and began to feel hungry. Everyone dreams of a rich portion of rice, and to pass the time, one organizes it fishing trip Hoping to get some protein. Beatrice Marchetti and Valentina Persia They are the best hunters and Andrea Cerioli Suddenly darkens, admits terrifled To get tired of the prevailing competitive atmosphere. According to the handsome Bolognese, in fact, everything that happens between them should be turned into one Element, even when we must cooperate for a common project. Given the situation, Andrea He gives up fishing and sits on the beach while terrifled He tries in vain to catch at least one small fish.

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Valentina Percia’s famous island bursts into tears

The rescue of the outcasts finally arrives Produce from Celebrity Island, giving way to run fire to cook rice. Among the fish caught and the discoveries of carbohydrates that can now be consumed, the outcasts can breathe a sigh of relief. The moment of happiness, however, interrupts it The outbreak of Valentina Persia, He talks to Awad about his relationship with him cerulean. In fact, in recent weeks, the two contenders have distanced themselves from each other a lot after having had the most difficult moments coexisting. Honduras. The Persia She was visibly shaken and explains to the Napoli coach that she was expecting him Andrea At least a step towards her, given the antecedents. while the Persia explodes in tearsAnd the terrifled He admits that he was very disappointed in the role that this relationship took, which he considered sincere from the very beginning.

Find out the latest news on Celebrity Island.


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