Saturday, July 27, 2024

Alitalia-Ita: 570 workers of the Almaviva call center in Palermo are at risk, 5 days of strike


There are still anxious moments for employees of the company Almaviva. The case, this time, is linked to a bidding by Ita taking responsibility from Alitalia.

Thus the unions announced the closure of the Alitalia ETA call center from 5 to 9 August in protest of the announcement of the privatization of an assistance service that risks blowing 570 jobs in Palermo.

“The race seems completely incomprehensible from the start. The deadline to participate is August 4 and the start date of the service is August 15! There is no reference to the social clause or to the fact that the bid must be made from Italian soil (a surprising if not scandalous component of ITA being a public company), ”emphasized the Cgil Cisl Uil, Slc, Fistel and Uilcom labor unions.

The service is currently carried out by Almaviva Contact with 621 permanent workers, of whom 570 work in the Palermo office. «Moreover, the tender, launched by a public company – they add – has “privacy” characteristics, adding to the sense of confusion that is evident from reading the announcement. These workers have professional seniority of more than twenty years in service and work primarily in the Palermo office and partly in Rende. It appears that the service offered by the Information Technology Authority for the tender is in fact the same service that these workers are currently performing for Alitalia.”

The unions stress that “there is no doubt that the preconditions for this declaration will lead directly to social catastrophe. The race is based entirely on the principle of maximum discount. The prize, even with an additional technical grade for the supplier who was headquartered in Rome, is net in terms of where it is located.” Production centers now, it is actually an invitation to commit a crime, or a lack of respect for the law on social provisions that ensure continuity of employment in call center services. Not to mention the fact that, as mentioned, the request for bids does not exclude the possibility of transferring part or all of the order (with a maximum discount Without any bottom line, it wouldn’t seem like an option so much as a certainty).”

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Hence the protest: “We are really amazed at this delusion and contempt for workers. This race must be stopped and re-branded in accordance with the standards of the law. Otherwise, the country’s ITA would appear with a nice business card: 621 laid off. In the next few days we will be setting up more public initiatives to highlight and counter the potential professional ruin looming on the horizon.”

Mayor Luluca Orlando and labor counsel Giovanna Marano also intervene in the case. “Ita’s decision to go ahead with a competition with pesky outlines is serious and incomprehensible – a common note reads -. A service that for years has ensured the efficiency and quality of Alitalia through hundreds of men and women who are not considered without the territorial constraint of the social clause. The government bears the responsibility for causing the A real deterioration of social ownership in Palermo and Rende, in Sicily and Calabria. We ask the government to suspend the bid and return the rules and rights to the center. Certainly, efficiency and transparency will not be guaranteed with the maximum discount and with the prehistoric standard of territorial communication.”

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