Saturday, July 27, 2024

A meeting between Bremer’s agent and Torino Skriniar in Paris Saint-Germain for 65 million


From France: Skriniar to PSG for 65 million, deal in the pipeline. As for Pinamonte, Sassuolo is back in charge

Bremer trust, could be closed on Monday
Torino ready to reduce from €40m to €35m (including bonuses) for Bremer: Under these circumstances, Inter are increasingly confident to close the deal in a few days, even without waiting for Skriniar’s sale, and to go ahead with medical visits early in the day Monday. Sky reported it.

Bremer, the meeting between the agent and TURIN DS
On an afternoon in Milan, he played a match between Paolo Pousardo, Bremer’s agent, and Davide Fagnati, Turin’s manager. Therefore, even the defender’s entourage seeks mediation with the grenades, who demand 40 million euros for the 30 offered by Inter. Including Casadei (whose Nerazzurri still wishes to reserve the right to buy back) in the negotiations may eventually resolve the situation.

Cremoni, Chisto Agumi”
In search of reinforcements for the broker, Cremonese knocked on Inter’s door. According to reports from Sky Sport, the grigiorosso club would have asked Inter to loan Lucien Agoumé. Having played last season in France with Brest, the player is considering the possibility of taking advantage of his chances in the Italian Serie A.

L’QUIPE: Agreement reached between INTER and PSG for SKRINIAR
For the French sports daily, Equipe Milan Skriniar is so close to PSG, that it assumes the official closure of negotiations within the next 72 hours. According to Transalpine, yesterday’s summit in Milan with the negotiating mediators would have been decisive, since it was possible to find the scene with Inter on the terms of the operation: 60 million euros from the fixed base, of which 5 million euros. rewards. With these numbers, the process will be launched at its end, with Skriniar favoring PSG over Chelsea. The French expect to close the deal within the next 72 hours.

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Pinamonte: Sassuolo attempts to join INTER and MONZA
Sassuolo works on the second attack in the attack. After the sale to Gianluca Scamaca, he will start the Niververde attack on Andrea Pinamonti. The arrival of Agustin Alvarez is not enough, Dionissi also wants another striker and Sassuolo can focus on the heart of the attack owned by Inter Milan, who returned from 13 goals this season in an Empoli shirt. Pinamonti, who was also managed by Monza, took time to decide. Inter value him at 20 million euros.

Sanchez alla Pintina but his future is signed
Alexis Sanchez has arrived at the Pinetina Resort but everyone at Inter is giving the Nerazzurri experience an end. The Chilean is no longer part of the company’s technical plans, however, as is well known, the issue of severance compensation that Marotta has been discussing with his agent for days. After the decision with Vidal, Fernando Flickewicz deals with Alexis’ solution: the difficulties are greater in this case but Inter expect a response shortly after offering the player a breakup of around 5 million.

Bremer only wants to enter and asks Cairo to preserve the agreements
Regardless of Skriniar’s case, Inter want Bremer and – more importantly – Bremer wants Inter, to the point that they reject any other offer, first and foremost from Juventus. The Brazilian defender has renewed with Torino by making a verbal agreement with President Cairo and now wants the grenade to respect him, also thanks to a clause in the contract released in January for 15 million. The Nerazzurri, for their part, are willing to anticipate the times by putting 30 million on the table plus a player who could (should) be Casadei. Cairo, no later than yesterday, said that he was ready to liberate the player by fulfilling his promise: the game of parts means the continuation of the characters’ dance, but the feeling is that in a reasonably short time the situation is determined precisely by the numbers we have been talking about for days.

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Juventus knocked on Inter’s door for Ene Dzeko: The Nerazzurri asked the Bianconeri to speak directly to the player, who said no. Reported by Alfredo Pedulla.

D’AMBROSIO: “I hope that Screener Stays”
Danilo D’Ambrosio, after 4-1 in Lugano, also spoke of Skriniar, who is close to PSG: “If I can express a personal opinion, I hope he does not leave and that the solid heart of the team remains like this because there they are great men as well as great players.”

Inzaghi: “You need a defender”
Inzaghi, after 4-1 in Lugano, confirmed how one element was missing in the defence: “We have to find a replacement for Ranuccia, I’m always in touch with the coaches who do a great job,” words to Sportalia.


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