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We are about to send a space vacuum cleaner to collect debris and satellites

We are about to send a space vacuum cleaner to collect debris and satellites

The human race is so chaotic, turbulent, and often selfish that it has also managed to pollute the space around the planet. The trash we’ve left around our atmosphere has become a very serious problem, both on an environmental level and in terms of safety for space travelers.

The International Space Station has already been hit by man-made debris and damaged, and the satellites or shuttles leaving our planet must be able to evade any such dangers.

“It’s probably one of the most important environmental problems of our time,” says Hugh Lewis, an astronautical engineer at the University of Southampton in the UK. We are abusing the space environment without worrying about what it will entail in the near future.

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To combat this problem, Astroscale Inc. , a Japan-based private company, “Space Garbage Trucks”. Cars equipped with huge vacuum cleaners that will try to arrange parts of the Earth’s atmosphere as much as possible.

They are Earth-controlled vehicles that magnetically engage debris that will then travel into the lower atmosphere, burning up together.

“Once these technologies are demonstrated and the global community really sees them as a big step toward active debris removal and end-of-life services, they will accept them as a reality,” said Mike Lindsey, chief technology officer of Astroscale. “We hope that they will incorporate this capability into their plans as they prepare for the next generation of satellites,” he adds.

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This will not be the final step that will free us from this problem, but it is an important first step on a symbolic level as well.

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