Saturday, July 27, 2024

4 times above average


In the province of Trieste, the rate of infection with the new coronavirus calculated in the past seven days was 127 cases per 100,000 inhabitants: this is the highest number in Italy, four times higher than the national rate which – at the last monitoring of the ‘Institute of Health – 29 cases per 100. thousand people.

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In the province of Trieste, the rate of infection with the new coronavirus calculated in the past seven days was 127 cases per 100,000 inhabitants: this is the highest number in Italy, four times higher than the national average which – in the last monitoring of the ‘Institute of Health – is 29 cases per 100,000 residents, well below the “guardianship threshold” set at 50. Other Italian provinces with a higher than average infection rate are Bolzano (60), Padua (54), Ravenna (83), Pistoia (69), and Crotone (72). , Syracuse (60), Catania (65) and Fibo Valentia (100). On the other hand, all other counties have incidence data of less than 50: below this level, according to experts, it is possible to conduct effective contact tracing of positives.

Yesterday, the city of Trieste witnessed a boom in the number of injuries: 82 out of a total of 132 cases in Friuli

The highest daily increase in cases at the regional level was also recorded in Trieste and its province in the latest bulletin: in fact, in the whole of Friuli Venezia Giulia, yesterday, there were 132 new infections, 82 of them in Trieste. It is difficult to establish whether, over the next few weeks, the protests of the past few days will lead to a further increase in infections and cases of infection; However, Friuli is sure to be one of the areas of particular interest to connoisseurs.

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In Friuli, only 65% ​​of the population received two doses of the vaccine

In Friuli Venezia Giulia, the vaccination campaign is also struggling: while in Italy the population over 12 years of age who has received at least one dose of the vaccine is 85.52%, and the proportion that received both doses is 81%, in Friuli the data is significantly lower: gone The first dose went to 71% of the immunized population while the second dose went to only 65%. There are still tens of thousands of people who – despite having the right to be vaccinated – today have chosen not to be vaccinated.


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