Saturday, July 27, 2024

“You are doing a great job”


“You’re doing a great job. We need to show that democracies can work and that we can produce a new economic model. You’re doing it.” This is how US President Joe Biden addressed Prime Minister Mario Draghi during the bilateral meeting at Chigi Palace. “Thank you for your support of our G20 presidency and for your determination to tackle the environmental transformation,” is the summary of Draghi’s response.

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The US leader then thanked Prime Minister Mario Draghi for his personal leadership of the G20 through a year of overlapping global challenges and for all that Italy has done to support the Afghan people, including convening an extraordinary G-20 session to address efforts against terrorism and humanitarian aid.”

Biden and Draghi “recognized the historic success of a global minimum tax, to build resilience against future pandemics, and to commit to rapidly decarbonizing the way we produce electricity.”

During the meeting, Draghi and Biden discussed security challenges in the Mediterranean region and emphasized the importance of NATO’s efforts to act as a deterrent and defense against threats from all strategic directions. The two leaders, in reading a memo from the White House, reaffirmed their “absolute commitment to the bilateral relationship and the transatlantic link, including through NATO. Finally, they stressed” the importance of the US-EU partnership as well as the ongoing work to ensure that regulatory regimes governing the economy of the twenty-first century is based on shared democratic values.”

According to Palazzo Schigi’s note, the meeting between the Prime Minister and the President of the United States of America “focused on the excellent cooperation between the Italian Presidency of the G20 and the United States in managing the most important global challenges: combating the epidemic, combating climate change, relaunching the economy, strengthening the multilateral system.” Rules-based parties. In the conversation, “the two leaders reaffirmed the strength of the transatlantic link, and the usefulness of European defense development also for transatlantic security, in a complementary relationship.”

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According to Palazzo Schigi’s note, the meeting between the Prime Minister and the President of the United States of America “focused on the excellent cooperation between the Italian Presidency of the G20 and the United States in managing the most important global challenges: combating the epidemic, combating climate change, relaunching the economy, strengthening the multilateral system.” Rules-based parties. In the conversation, “the two leaders reaffirmed the strength of the transatlantic link, and the usefulness of European defense development also for transatlantic security, in a complementary relationship.”

According to Palazzo Schigi’s note, the meeting between the Prime Minister and the President of the United States of America “focused on the excellent cooperation between the Italian Presidency of the G20 and the United States in managing the most important global challenges: combating the epidemic, combating climate change, relaunching the economy, strengthening the multilateral system.” Rules-based parties. In the conversation, “the two leaders reaffirmed the strength of the transatlantic link, and the usefulness of European defense development also for transatlantic security, in a complementary relationship.” “A review of the major international crises, particularly in Afghanistan, in the wake of the outcomes of the extraordinary meeting of G-20 leaders on 12 October, and the instability in the Mediterranean and in Libya.”


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