Saturday, July 27, 2024

Yes Barry you are strong! In the character’s triumph in Cosenza, Shadra never stops


It was the triumph of consciousness, character and solidity: Barry emerges from Vito Marola de Cosenza Not only with three points (final score 0-1), but above all with more certainty consciously from U.S The formation of that match after the match proves his strength And ready to face a tough and complex tournament like Siri B. This is because, even though it doesn’t exist beautiful In the offensive phase as on other occasions, the team seen in Calabria was able to perfectly read the different phases of the match and control the match from start to finish, with a great test of maturity.

Moreover, the Marulla challenge can be directed in the best way already after a few minutes thanks to the furious start of the red and white: only three laps from the starting whistle, in fact, Michelle Rigionne Touching it with one arm and placing the ball in the penalty area by Mirko Antinuccialthough the same number seven missed the next penalty kick, sending the ball over the bar.

Since then, the challenge has been very tactical, with Red and White going in search of spaces to set their movement and Cosenza good at closing in well: thanks to the precise pressure that Calabria put on the Bari midfielders, keeping them out of spaces to build a team Michel Miniani He chose to provide plenty of vertical for his attackers, using his back to try Mirko Antinucci or Walid Shedira.

Despite these alternative solutions and specifically by virtue of the high tactics of the match, the match continued in a balanced manner until the last minute of the first break, when usually badin an unusual moment in terms of form: the Italian-Moroccan striker actually hit a cross Giacomo Riccibehind a rival goalkeeper unsure of the handle.

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Having taken the initiative, Barry played a Almost perfect again: The pace slowed, but the red and white team showed a great team mentality, they kept the game in control and practically didn’t risk anything, unlike the first break in which Rosoblu became dangerous on two occasions.

And maybe this is Top news Today, above all because, contrary to what was seen in recent editions: the red and white team were able to read all the stages of the race well and above all to close their ranks suffering very little. Away from San Nicolas, Miniani’s men appear to be more self-confident, and the results prove it. Who knows where this team will be able to get, which has so far shown that they can win and persuade, but perhaps it would also be right not to ask these questions and enjoy the moment, leaving players’ heads free and unthought.


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