Saturday, July 27, 2024

Will Barbara D’Urso find a new home right away? Negotiating with Cairo for La7


She certainly wouldn’t be Barbara d’Urso without television. It has always been a part of her life. According to Il Giornale, there will be negotiations with La7 from Urbano Cairo, who can recruit her by returning to Rome. But since when? If all this happens, it will be discussed starting in January, since the presenter is tied to Mediaset until December 31. But there is another omission that has reached our ears: Rai1 will court Dorso as a guest on the first episode of Domenica in. However, the Canale5 node remains: will it receive the green light if the indiscretion turns into news? It would be a blow to the heart for Canale5 to see her as a guest on Mara Venier, just a few years ago d’Orso was her competition every Sunday. There is a great relationship of respect and friendship between the two women.

Also read: Rai, the Joker is ready to replace Bianca Berlinguer: The Secret Negotiation

Meanwhile, the separation from Mediaset has made Barbara d’Urso change all her plans, who have already recorded the promo for the new season of Pomeriggio5. However, everything came to a head: Pierre Silvio Berlusconi, as told in the show of schedules, changed the format thanks to Barbara d’Urso, who would have asked for a two-year renewal and a primetime guarantee . The hypothesis is currently impossible for Canale5. In place of Barbara d’Urso, there will be Myrta Merlino with a new program, which will be reborn from the ashes of Afternoon 5.


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