Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Why all this evil?” – Free daily


A touching and painful story, a story Paula Enugu a very right, a program Silvia Tovanen The episode airs on Canale 5, the episode on Saturday, October 2. The volleyball player is regaining her life and career, after the recent success of the Italian national team in the European Championship.

But Enogu also talks about Violent attacks have been received on social networks From the mean hater: “I’ve been able to keep going thanks to the support of my family, friends and teammates.” And about the latter he adds: “I am really happy to have them in my life,” he said.

Obviously a volleyball player can’t forget episodes of racism Suffered in the past, first back On the days he went to kindergarten: “I understood what they were telling me, but I did not understand the reason for all this hatred.” But even today, those episodes repeat themselves. “I’ve always talked about it with my parents, they’ve always prepared me for it, saying it can happen and they’ve always said I shouldn’t respond because I shouldn’t bring myself down to their level,” explains Enogu.

Finally, at the end of the interview, the emotion and Tears over the video message received from his family: The parents, for the sake of the brothers, are really far from it. “I knew they were doing it for my brothers and I never felt abandoned. With volleyball, I was always forced to get away from home and travel, and the first time I broke up with my parents was when I was 13. He moved to Milan,” concluded Paula Enugu.

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