Link to download the new pink version of WhatsApp, which will replace the traditional green messaging app. But it is best to be careful not to steal sensitive data, but also photos, address book and passwords in some cases a scam. To explain how the latest idea of cybercriminals works – it should definitely be avoided but has already affected many users – she is
“Practically – legal information site explains – users receive a link inviting them to download this” new “version of WhatsApp as the interface changes from classic green to pink. Once installed, the app disappears from the device’s home screen and remains active in the background to steal victims’ data , And control their address book or forward messages to their contacts with a request to download the application. Thus the fraud continues to spread.
How do you step in, then, and secure your device if it’s already downloaded? “We must immediately uninstall WhatsApp Pink – explains – and close all active sessions from the web version of WhatsApp that can be accessed from the official application settings and delete the browser memory.”
But the WhatsApp rose scam, the legal information site adds, is not the only one that has gained popularity on the Internet in the past few hours. A “6-digit code” scam is also circulating, which exploits the number sequence needed for the quick transfer of an instant messaging app when the user switches to another smartphone or changes their phone number. Also in this case – we read -, victims receive a message from a contact In their address book (they have already fallen into the trap), in which it announces that the unique code has been sent via SMS, thus requesting that the sequence be sent to comply with the request and open the link received via text message, the green light is given to the cybercriminals who, again, will be Able to gain access to the victim’s personal data, address book, and credit cards. Consequences not only identity theft, but also unsuspecting victims’ account voids and unauthorized expenditures. “
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