Saturday, July 27, 2024

WhatsApp alarm, they empty your account with this message: Be careful


WhatsApp Alarm, they empty your account with this message: Be careful. It is one of the new scams targeting users

Unfortunately, hackers are constantly looking for ways to get into bank accounts and empty bank accounts. This time the danger comes via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp (@AnsaFoto)

Unfortunately, in addition to making our lives easier, technology also risks bringing us into very dangerous and counterproductive aspects. We are talking about online fraud attempts that have flourished in the last period. The hacker They targeted both messaging platforms A home banking app. The system is always the same i.e. hacking our account and emptying checking accounts or using the data for more frauds. also The WhatsApp She wasn’t immune to this kind of danger and had been fighting for it for quite some time aggregate of its users. The American giant finds itself forced to face new episodes of “phishing“Extremely annoying and very cunning. Related to the last case Bank scam.

WhatsApp, a new scam is coming: it concerns Intesa Sanpaolo customers

Intesa San Paulo
Intesa San Paolo (AnsaFoto)

Using counterfeit brands of a famous lender like Intesa San Paulothey send you a message on The WhatsApp With a strange request inside. A normal conversation where they try to alert you like this:

Attention! Unauthorized device connected to the online account If it does not recognize this access, check here…

Attachment link is the most dangerous knot. By clicking there, you enter a fake page where your data is requested. The problem is that instead of logging in to where you think you are, you are simply giving your account details to the criminals behind it. At this point, your account is emptied in the blink of an eye.

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What is usually recommended in such cases, as soon as chaos occurs, is to notify the company immediately police stationWith all the details provided. But the most useful is to ignore any form of communication with unknown or suspicious sources. We must always remember that our bank will never use any message The WhatsApp To warn us of something rather important.

Also be wary of alleged phone calls from call center It is not better defined. The scam can be successful even using only voice responses.


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