Saturday, July 27, 2024

What happens if you don’t pay your bill


The TV subscription fee, incorrectly known as Rai license feeIt must be paid once a year by all households who own a TV. Since 2016, it is automatically included in the electric bill, because the legislator assumes that every home with electricity also has a TV.

The amount of the TV license is equal to 90 euro per year, divided into 10 monthly installments found in bills ranging from January to October. Those without a registered light user can pay the fee through Form F24.

In the past, the RAI license fee was paid by mail, and given the random checks that were done, there were many Italians who evaded this tax. With the new automatic payment method, getting rid of this burden has become even more difficult.

TV fee: What happens if you don’t pay: Who is eligible for an exemption

However, there are specific cases in which users are not required to pay €90. to orderExemption It is necessary to submit an alternative declaration to communicate your right to do so and to avoid being charged for the light bill.

The following categories are entitled to exemption.

  • Taxpayers with households for residential use who so declare not owned TV set.
  • The heirs The deceased taxpayer whose name bills are still on record and whose house is no longer a television set.
  • Citizens over 75 years old With own annual income and husband / wife does not exceed 8 thousand euros And without housekeepers they have their own income, except for domestic helpers such as housekeepers and caregivers.
  • Client DiplomatsOfficers and employees Consulate, and officials organizations international, non-Italian military personnel, non-Italian civilians and non-Italian nationals of the forces NATO.
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Here is the exemption guide of the QuiFinanza TV license fee, with specific instructions for who is entitled to it. You can also access a discount, such as We have explained it to you here.

TV License: What Happens If You Don’t Pay: Fine and Jail

might happen by mistake To apply for exemption without falling into these categories, wanting to try voluntarily Evading the IRS Failure to pay the license fee to own the TV or the inability to pay the bills.

In the event of an investigation by the Guardia di Finanza, taxpayers who do not pay the fee may incur fines of up to 6 times the amount of the tax, and therefore up to €540, in addition to the payment of arrears and any interest.

Although the number of evasion incidents has decreased dramatically with the move from rai fees paid to the post office to being billed, there are still some cunning.

In this case you can be denounced by Fiamme Gialle for a crime fake ideological, to sign a document declaring, in effect, that something is wrong. For this case, up to Two years in prison.

The opinion law has always been the subject of debate, and recently news of its possible repeal has returned to the news pages. We told you about it here.


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