Friday, July 26, 2024

Weather, “Extremely Significant” Bad Weather Destroys Epiphany Sotocorona: A critical situation


An epiphany ruined by the arrival of strong bad weather. In his weather forecast at La7, Paolo Sottocorona told Italians that he expects the end of this Christmas holiday to be characterized by rain, snow and a drop in temperature: “The disturbance that we saw, followed and controlled entered the European countries yesterday. Continent , it was very fast and this morning the clouds are already almost all Areas have also been closed, especially the north and center and the rains have started. They are starting as the more intense area approaches as the hours go by. Then there is another distant disturbance. Today, Friday January 5th, the forecast is for the northwest, Liguria and Upper Tuscany by the end of the day overall. . Lesser but worse weather is still coming in the northeast, part of the center will be gray as it heads south, perhaps with light rain. However, this is the start of this phase of bad weather which will extend significantly across all areas tomorrow, Saturday January 6. Everything changes in the space of 24 hours, some clearness appears in the north-western areas, but the area of ​​heavy precipitation extends in the north, and in some areas they are not as sticky as in the south, they are strong. But isolated events, here they are strong and extensive, so it's very severe bad weather, so definitely an important situation. And then extreme events that take over the center and the south.”

Then the weather forecast focuses on Sunday, January 7: “Improving is a strong word, because in fact the rain is still there, let's say overall a little less intense. However, they are the whole Apennines, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Tyrrhenian regions, especially the Lower Tyrrhenian Sea, Calabria, Campania, part of Basilicata, even with more extreme cases. So these are days with very severe weather.” And the snow? This is what Sotocorona says: “At this stage the snowfalls will be important, mainly in the Alpine regions, less in the Apennine regions or in any case at lower altitudes, you still have to reach more than 1,200, 1,500 meters” .

Also Read: Weather, Snow Returns Giuliachi: “large scales”, has date

Conclusion with an analysis of wind and temperature: “The wind forecast today is not yet strong, but they will be very strong at the end of the week, again in the south at this point, which will certainly not leave the temperature at the beginning, which means that they will fall. Because of heavy rain and thunderstorms, but not because of cold air. Today's high forecast actually leaves low values ​​in the north, but worsening there, so it's inevitable. Southerly winds blow even higher values ​​in the center and south. In the next few hours the temperature trend – Sottocorona comments – begins to recover a little in the north and decrease a little in the central and southern regions”.


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