Saturday, July 27, 2024

‘We desperately need to provide’ banks freezing accounts without warning


There is a really worrying case going around with account holders in a bank that has been gaining increasing popularity in recent months.

Top Internet They vent their anger and disbelief but also seek clarification.

In fact, the account holders of this famous bank saw their checking accounts Close one by one Without warning and without convincing explanations to them.

very critical situation

Definitely ban checking account It’s very heavy to the account holder.

Transferring payments but also simple cash withdrawals has become practically impossible and it is understandable why account holders who have seen their accounts banned on the most popular social networks do so. They show all their anger. It is not yet clear how the events occurred but there is clarity on the name of the bank involved. It is a very modern and fast growing bank, One of those banks that has always gained new customers thanks to an innovative approach to services.

what is going on

It’s called bank n 26. It is a new type of bank that operates exclusively Via smartphone or computer. The strong point of this new type of modern bank is that their services are much cheaper. But why Banca n26 closed the accounts of so many account holders? It’s still not clear, but according to some rebuilding, everything will be traced back to what happened in March. In fact, in March the Bank of Italy informed the 26 . Bank Found some shortcomings with regard to compliance with the legislation Anti money laundering. In such a situation, the most diverse hypotheses are clearly laid.

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Reconstructing the facts

Possibly the n26 bank to avoid being targeted again by the Bank of Italy for the issue of compliance with anti-money laundering legislation She preferred to close accounts that seemed suspicious to her. Therefore, there is excessive enthusiasm to avoid further reports by the Bank of Italy. How did the facts go? Of course, account holders now need to quickly regain ownership of their accounts The hope is that the situation will be resolved as soon as possible. Many are wondering if other banks can also make decisions of this kind but at the moment this does not seem likely.


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