Saturday, July 27, 2024

Was Mirjana Trevisan having an affair before entering Casa del GF?


Mirjana Trevisan He became one of the main characters in this matter Big Brother Vip 6. The showgirl ended up at the center of attention for her own friendship born on the game show channel 5 with Nicola pesos.

son Patricia Merigliani In fact, at first he was very close to him Soleil rise With the intention of creating something more important. After she got her first class – trying to kiss her – Nicola He realized that he had to take a step back. with time pesos very close to mirjana which seemed to reciprocate the interest.

Between the two there was also passionate kiss, captured by cameras a house More than spying on Italy. Many commented on what happened, especially the mother of Nicola which has Mirjana identified in Amelia, the witch of the comedy “Who Bewitched”.

Meanwhile, a controversy arose on the web, spawned by some see rumors Trevisan Emotionally attached to a person, far from reality. As proof of this, some shots were exchanged and taken Biagio Danieli Depicts the ex-wife premium In gentle situations with a mysterious man:

During one of our recent live broadcasts, Alfonso Signorini He investigated an alleged courtship of Gevina. However, the latter categorically denied the possibility of working outside the House of Representatives. During her presentation clip, she said that she bonded with someone she realized she couldn’t go on with, before crossing the famous red door.


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