Saturday, July 27, 2024

Uber away from Brussels: It’s still a piece of community ground in Europe


Judgment of the City Court of Appeal Brussels imposed on Uber suspends all operations from the city Starting November 26. This is the conclusion of a battle that has dragged on for more than six years, after a lawsuit brought by local company Taxis Vert in 2015, the following year that Uber brought UberPop to Brussels, which provides the ability for individuals to sign up and offer passenger transportation to third parties.

According to Taxis Vert, the Uber Pop service did not comply with applicable law. Uber then overhauled its services as a result of the lawsuit, and since then has only worked with VVB-licensed drivers. Uber’s countermeasures have not quelled the court’s activism, which has now ruled that the 2015 termination order also applies to VVB drivers who work for Uber.

Laurent Slits, CEO of Uber in Belgium, expressed his disappointment in a stark statement: “This ruling is based on outdated regulations that predate the arrival of smartphones that the government has promised to fix for seven years. We are deeply concerned because 2000 VVB Brussels drivers will miss the opportunity to generate revenue. We urge the Brixles government to quickly reform the sector so that drivers can continue to work and provide livelihoods for their families.”

What happened in Brussels only the last episode of one A series of events that saw the transport service of the ancient continent as a hero. Just last September, the civil court in Amsterdam ruled that Uber drivers are covered by the collective bargaining agreement of Dutch taxi drivers, which is why they are entitled to the same employment benefits. In 2019, Uber in Germany had to adapt its operating practices to German national regulations and avoid the risk of an entire country ban. in a Italy in 2017 The company had to briefly suspend its services after a heated legal battle with taxi associations and so far Uber Black is available in our country, but not UberPop and UberX.

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After the punishment spread, Uber drivers staged a protest. “More than 2,000 drivers have to support their families, pay rent and debt for their car, just like all other drivers. But we are clearly illegal. Technology is advancing, but we are constantly regressing. Not normal. I have no words for this,” said a driver in local newspaper Bruzz.


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