Saturday, July 27, 2024

Two cases of scabies were confirmed in the Bonomo Medical Department


Lorenzo Ponomo Hospital © AndriaLive

Two cases of scabies were confirmed in Bonomo di Andria. The parasite infected two medical personnel of the medicine department, who were removed appropriately to subject them to the necessary treatments and thus allow the infection to be reduced.

The story is incredible, first of all because it comes to us in 2021 when it is now believed that some diseases have been completely eliminated or at least eradicated as a result of more careful lifestyles, especially with regard to hygiene and safety. It is unbelievable if you think that it is coming to us in the period of epidemic emergency of covid19 which, among the many misfortunes, conveyed to us some basic rules for avoiding the spread of the virus, associated with careful and careful personal hygiene.

Scabies is a contagious skin disease. It occurs between humans and other animals. It is the cause of mites Sarcoptes scabiei var man, A very small parasite and usually not visible to the human eye. Scabies causes a strong rash, which the two affected people feel with Bonomo. Subsequent analyzes conducted by the hospital team these days would then have confirmed the diagnosis of scabies or scabies.

We would like to avoid adding this epidemic to the ongoing epidemic, so we hope that the Asl Bt administration will carry out appropriate examinations and carry out serious health checks. Bonomo that is clean and decomposed is badly needed. We have interfered several times with articles on this topic: You will remember when we reported the presence of pigeon droppings on the edge of balcony windows and in various common areas of the hospital, for example. It is essential to constantly perform a thorough and careful cleaning of the sections: is it possible to notice cigarette butts on the floor in some areas? What about the accumulated dust? Who controls the cleaning crew? Who tells zombies that their work must be done meticulously?

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It is also important to carry out disinfection and disinfection interventions for the correct repair of environments.

Inside the hospital, the smell of hygiene should be strong by virtue of the job. Actually from the hospital. We owe it primarily to the patients, the doctors, the nurses, and all of the staff on those wards.

Meanwhile, a temporary ban on admission to the medicine department has been issued and patient discharges have been arranged to allow sanitation operations.


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