Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trudeau has accused Canada of excluding Canada from the global “Aukus” pact


A few days before the elections, Justin Trudeau was subjected to accusations from his political opponents of excluding Canada from the new security agreement (Aukus) between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia in an anti-China mission, despite it sharing with these countries (and New Zealand) an intelligence-sharing agreement (The Five Eyes). ). Both Conservative and New Democratic leaders have fired the Canadian prime minister by suggesting that the removal reflects a broader failure of the Liberal government to negotiate with key allies and take a firm stand against Beijing.
“This is yet another example of Trudeau not being taken seriously by our friends and allies around the world,” said Conservative leader Erin O’Toole, arguing that “Canada has become less important under his rule.” Echoing what he was said, Democratic leader Jagmeet Singh said Trudeau had become too distracted from the campaign trail to fully engage with his allies.

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