Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trees increased by 587 thousand hectares through 290 million tons of Co2


Forests, he counts inventory, card 36.7% of the national area, Expressed in biological values ​​per hectare went from 144.9 to 165.4 cubic meters. Important data on the amount of Co2 removed from the atmosphere increased from 1,798 million tonnes to 2,088 million, relating to 569 million tonnes of biological and organic carbon retained in dead wood.

“L ‘Carbon dioxide It is a greenhouse gas that causes global warming and is emitted from the atmosphere – explains the Forest Police -. Forests play an important role in guaranteeing global natural and ecological balance. “They are actually a real biological machine that captures carbon and stores it in its fibers for a very long time: one cubic meter of dry wood contains about 260 kilograms of carbon, which is about half its weight, which is one of the recognized functions of forests, mitigating the effects of climate change and climate change. Is the ability to control.

National Forests and Carbon Forest Reservoirs is a specific sample study that understands the quality and quantity of the country’s forest resources as a source of national and regional forestry statistics. And it is also very rich in data at the regional level. Areas that contribute the most to the overall extent of Italian forests Tuscany, Piedmont and LombardyOverall 10.4%, 9.8% and 8.7% respectively. Regional minimum values ​​are recorded Baclia, Valle d’Osta and Molis, Contributions vary from 1.0% to 1.3% of the total, taking into account their different surface and different textures of the forest.

The national average volume value per hectare of tree is generally higher in the northern regions (except Piedmont and Liguria), while in other regions it occurs only in Calabria. This is too much South Tyrol (343.2 cubic meters per hectare) and inside Trentino (302.1 cubic meters per hectare).

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Although the forest in Italy is mostly associated with mountainous and hilly terrain, the distribution is actually distributed and is mostly low altitude. Up to 37% of the forest area 500 meters above sea level And 500 to 1,000 meters with a further 35.7%. The other three elevation classes (above 1000-1500, 1500-2000 and 2000 m) are 17.7%, 7.6% and 1.4% respectively. In some regions (Sardinia, Buglia, Tuscany) the 0-500 m original class provides much of the forest. In contrast, some alpine regions have higher altitudes than others: 1000-1500 m asl (Trentino 36.4%, Veneto 28.5% forest) and 1500-2000 m asl (49.4 with Valle d’Aosta%, southern Tyrol 45.2%).

This important experimental photo of the Italian forest has been taken Having 180 species, But there are four that represent only 50% of the forest area: peach, spruce, chestnut and turkey oak. It is necessary to add another 7 species to reach 75%: larch, downy oak, black hornbeam, holm oak, silver fir, black pine and Scots pine.


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