Saturday, July 27, 2024

Togas close to Conte and GDF officers. Here are the names involved in Secret Minutes


As members of a Masonic lodge known as “Hungary” there are three groups that Picro Amara talks to in Milan’s lawyers: Romanian judges of the Bankruptcy Court, Catania magistrate such as CSM Sebastiano Artida’s Doha, and senior executives Cardia de Finanza.

What are the changes in the copies of the 2019 investigation that were given to some newspapers like La Repubblica, il Foto, Domani and to Councilor Nino de Matteo, revealed the truth in the full statement of my lawyer Palazzo de Maracelli, who is involved in various matters. Corruption acts, he cooperates with investigators to benefit himself. Also, like the best “repentance” tradition, it can mix right and wrong.

The crow that spreads the secret documents, however, wants them to be in the public domain, perhaps embarrassing the Milan lawyer who has not properly investigated Amara’s revelations. This was explained to Milanese lawyer Pavlo Story in the spring of 2020 by then-CSM councilor Piergamillo Davico. This confirms that he has declared “who is responsible”, however, there is no sequel, apparently. At the time his secretary, Marcella Contrafato, was being investigated for defamation in Rome, suspected of having sent a few minutes and was sent to CSM. Story, who investigated the false Eni conspiracy in Milan, reveals that he is willing to complain to the CSM if he is called.

Although not officially from Perugia, which has jurisdiction over these cases, Amara confirms the involvement of Roman judges. The presumed crime will be a secret association, and it also confirms the blindness in the Masonic Lodge, which will act as a lawyer to condition appointments in the judiciary and other departments.

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One of the bankrupt costumes cited by the lawyer, who now works at Coldreti, will be close to former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who was brought to the first play tomorrow for his mission to Francesco Bellavista Caldacron’s Aqua Marcia.

In a matter of minutes, a close connection with the Palamara scandal emerges. Amara, who has accused the ANM’s president and Milan’s lawyers, will speak not only about the lodge, but also about the history of the document about Dominico Ilo, Rome’s brother Paulo’s brother and lawyer. The Romanian lawyer who received the former sports minister’s accusation, Amara, was interrogated by Ilo’s colleague Stefano Fava in connection with bankruptcy and tax fraud, and then, on the advice of Palamara, C.S.M. To report abuses in office and conflicts of interest involving Ilo’s brother and lawyer, Giuseppe Pignoton. The story of Fava, who addressed Davico and Artida and Palamara, is reminiscent of the story of Story today. Except that in the first case the institutional path was followed, in the second everything ran in a room in the Palazzo de Maraceali.

At this point CSM, which has so far distanced itself from these events, is fully invested. A councilor, de Matteo, condemns the “crow” document; Another, Rare, Amara was accused of being a Mason and ended up in the newspapers; Former Councilor Davico received complaints and reports from Attorney Story, but was not instructed to do so; His former secretary was interrogated and suspended, and everything is linked to the Palamara organization. Too much to be still. Vice President David Ermini, who dropped De Matteo’s alarm three days ago, now says CSM is “the goal of representation and conditioning work aimed at feeding the country, especially at a critical juncture.” The distrust of the citizens of the judiciary. As for the body of clothing self-government, he says, “it’s completely opaque and inconsistent with instability,” in which newspapers and lawyers speak out “to find out who is responsible for this whole operation”.

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