Saturday, July 27, 2024

Today’s Tiger Show is another day, Carmen Russo and Enzo Paulo Torchi


Carmen Russo and Enzo Paulo Torchi They were special guests in the living room at Serena Burton a Today is another day. The interview begins with Carmen, who traces her parents’ story and is touched. But when his Enzo arrives, everything changes: from crying to joy, between irreverent jokes and funny drawings, including Toca toka. Them is Happy and irreverent loveSincere example for all husbands.

Serena Interview CarmenWho has the opportunity to talk about himself and is wonderful Relationship with dad: “I remember my father with great affection. I used to live with him every afternoon, and he was half past five and he was with me. My dad is the prince. He was the classic old man, a little jealous. But I must say I always get away with it, I did a good job in school, I was rational. ”

Influenced by talking about Mother GiusepinaAbout how a common woman was at home, but above all she opens up with a gorgeous smile when she enters Turchi’s studio. Are you here too? Frankly asking. “But yeah, come on, I was crossing this road.” Their diversity is noticeable from Carmen’s gorgeous style Hot pink dress, While Enzo with prof Look normal, Simple jacket with white stripes on the shoulder pads.

Lately, the couple has also been submitting irreverent sketches on their official channels. And they started making people laugh right from the start, when Carmen told Serena about it Enzo gives her some style advice: “Wear something black so it slips on you. Don’t wear a leopard print.”

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But what really excites is there Declaration of Love by Enzo Paulo Turchi For Carmen, who is simply beautiful: “I am afraid if without her, then I am afraid. Without one of my family, I am terrified. The horror of loneliness. I have forgotten everything else. She is my great love. “

They also talk about how they met. “He didn’t get to the point, he didn’t get the signs. I was kneeling under the table. Enzo does not respect the kind of guy I liked. A little more rude. But we’ve been married for 37 years. He was so polite and very nice and lovely. He opened the car door and came with me. One day. Anger at the dancers in the training room … Which isI wonder. Is the devil hiding under an angel? You hit me! We women love contrasts and contradictions. And at that point I thought: You will be mine. “

On her part, too Enzo You don’t save:I fell in love with herOf the good, but not just physically. Physically, I was better ‘, an irreverent joke, typical of a married couple. Finally, they indulge in a really cool ballet dancing, with a great classic: Tuca Tuca. Perhaps, from Enzo and Carmen we should learn that Love with more lightnessForgetting the differences and difficulties and the gray days of life.


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