Saturday, July 27, 2024

Three upcoming hacks that will change everything


Whatsapp is about to introduce three very important changes to its app that will surely make millions of users around the world happy

The WhatsApp It’s ready for a massive revolution. The world’s most popular messaging app has already introduced some new features recently, such as i Ephemeral messages Or vowels that can be heard twice as fast, but the three functions that will arrive soon will be more important.

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Rumors about it come as always from Wabetainfo, who has the opportunity to touch all the news of the application closely by being able to use the beta version. Let’s start with the most awaited job, the one that It will allow all users to hide their last login from only certain people.

Job must be called “My contacts except” And among the privacy options will be: users, who previously could only choose between showing or hiding the last access of all, will now be able to create a kind of “black list” and block the display of the last access of only certain people.

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Whatsapp, not only privacy: in the project also new voice messages and reactions

But the news, as we told you, did not end here. Whatsapp also intends to introduce a new feature that allows this Transcribe received voice messages. A particularly welcome function especially for those who can’t stand the very long sound.

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“Copy” will translate words into text, although the operation can only be performed when connected to the Internet. However, messages that have already been processed will remain in the local application database and can also be referenced at a later time without performing the action again.

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Another novelty, this time purely social, is a prologue Reactions to messages are received. Just as it is already happening in Facebook and Instagram, it will be possible to touch the message and add a smile, a thumbs up or a sad face. The option will be available not only for individual conversations, but also for groups.

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It is still not clear if these features will be launched all at once and for all users. So we invite you to watch Updates In the coming weeks.


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