Friday, July 26, 2024

Those with renewables laugh in the face of energy crisis (and crazy bills)


A Portuguese government official noted The importance of renewable energy In mitigating the effects of energy crises, as evidenced by the recent situation resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

During the WindEurope conference in Bilbao, Director General of the Ministry of Energy and Geology of Portugal, Jerónimo Meira da Cunha, highlighted how Portuguese consumers enjoy… I hardly noticed the increase in electricity pricesThis is thanks to the widespread presence of renewable sources in the country's energy system and regulated tariffs.

According to data provided by the network operator REN, in 2023 61% of consumption Portugal's electricity needs are met through renewable sources, especially wind and hydropower.

During the recent energy crisis, while energy prices rose dramatically in many European countries, Portuguese consumers saw nothing but that Modest increase in costs Electricity is between 1% and 3%.

Da Cunha stressed that renewable energy, coupled with stable regulation, is key to achieving this Addressing future energy crises. This approach has allowed Portugal to protect consumers and maintain some economic stability, even in the face of global energy challenges.

Portugal, thanks to him – Limited reliance on gas supplies Russia and its diverse energy infrastructure have been able to avoid the worst effects of the current energy crisis.

The country also has ambitious plans for Increase the share of renewable energy By 2030, with the aim of reaching 85-90% of total energy production.

but, Future energy agenda Portugal could be affected by the formation of a new minority government, whose attitude towards renewable energy could be different compared to the previous socialist administration.

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Despite this, Portugal seems determined to continue its path towards specialisation Energy sustainability And protect its citizens from future crises.


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