Saturday, July 27, 2024

This small and inexpensive gadget shouldn’t be missing in our kitchens because in addition to being useful it will save us money


There is nothing more beautiful than having a delicious and comforting breakfast. If we take the work craze during the week too often, we want the weekend to slow down without giving up on the good.

Fortunately, today it is possible to enjoy a breakfast like breakfast at the bar right at home. All this for a little euro! Let’s discover together this very small and economical tool that should not be missing in our kitchens because in addition to being useful it will save us money.

Capuchins in an ingenious way

It’s hard to find someone you don’t like Cappuccino. However, many believe that this hot drink is only available at the bar. Nothing more wrong! Today we can actually prepare perfectly cappuccino even at home. The secret is in the foam! Even if we do not have special machines, for a few euros we can get a smooth and silky foam.

How? By purchasing a milk mixer! This small and inexpensive gadget shouldn’t be missing in our kitchens because in addition to being useful it will save us money.

Very useful tool

A milk mixer is a very small tool in the shape of a stick. It works on batteries and one end equipped with a real blender. By dipping this in the milk and running the mixer, we will get the perfect froth in a few seconds. The speculators cost very little and day after day they will save us money because there will be no need to go to the bar! Not only that, with a little imagination, a milk whisk can also be used for other preparations.

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It is actually ideal for mixing and creating froth in liquids. But not only! Do we want to beat eggs and not have an egg beater? With a little patience we can Beat the egg white Using a milk mixer. However, be careful not to overwork the motor of this small device. In fact, egg white is more viscous than milk.


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