Friday, July 26, 2024

Thermal impact on consumption: “3.4 billion in spending at risk”


Milan – The heat does not encourage shopping. This is nothing new, to the extent that in many southern European countries and also in some areas of southern Italy in the summer, shops are not open until late in the afternoon. This year, however, to denounce this trend Confessercentiwhich estimated a potential loss of up to 3.4 billion euros. In fact, the heat wave not only affects work, but also dampens outdoor activity in general, which also reduces the tendency to consume in families.
Shopkeepers registered with the association point out the slowdown and change in the time schedules of those who go shopping in the shops: citizens and tourists abandon shopping in the hottest hours of the day, and focus on it in the late afternoon, especially from 6 pm onwards.

The situation is greatly affected by the markets traditionally active in the morning hours: “Some shareholders – Confesercenti shares – report a decrease of up to 30% in sales compared to last July”.

Great Heat, Work Rules: When to Request Layoffs

by Diego Longin

Impact on bars and restaurants

Anyone who thinks the warm season encourages outdoor gatherings this year needs to think again: Caldon is also putting the restaurant business to the test, which condemns the increasingly empty outdoor tables, even at tourist resorts.

energy expenditure growth

Spending and shopping are also discouraged due to the increased use of air conditioners which, in addition to their negative impact on electricity consumption and therefore the environment, also do so on family wallets. In the first week marked by Sharon’s appearance, these consumptions increased by 7%: an acceleration that risks diminishing the benefits of a slowdown in tariffs. At the end of the year, household energy spending should remain at 20 billion, 6.6 billion more than what was paid in 2020.

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Bonomi: “As much needed as Covid, layoffs and smart work”

by the Economics Editorial Board

“This situation – announced by Confesercenti – poses a challenge to economic activities and work. We have already called on colleagues to adopt all preventive measures to minimize employee exposure risks, starting with measures that favor staff shifts and reconfiguring working hours, to avoid the hottest moments of the day. However, layoffs should only be resorted to when absolutely necessary: ​​flexible shifts and working hours should be prioritized, especially in tourism activities.”


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