Saturday, July 27, 2024

The wounded star Betelgeuse, living healing – space and astronomy


The Hubble Space Telescope, owned by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), is witnessing the slow recovery of the red giant star. Betelgeuse: The injury Which opened on its surface because of a catastrophic explosion that took place in 2019, causing it to lose much of its surface by scattering into space a mass 400 billion times greater than that emitted in a typical solar flare. that it A previously unnoticed eventas stated in the study published In The Astrophysical Journal led by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

Andrea Dupree, the study’s lead, says it has also benefited from observations made by many other observers and telescopes. “It’s a completely new phenomenon that we can directly observe – adds Dupre – we watch the evolution of stars in real time.”

Variations in the brightness of Betelgeuse after the explosion that caused the loss of much of its surface (Source: NASA, ESA, Elizabeth Wheatley/STScI)

.’s amazing behavior BetelgeuseThe star, which is approaching the final stage of its life, is no indication that the star is about to explode into a supernova soon, as the star appears to be struggling to recover from its injury. there Exploded part From the surface, with a Weight several times greater than the moonShe has traveled far into space, and she is refrigerated to form a smother Blocking out the star’s light, causing it to shine Partial blackness. Moreover, the typical pulse BetelgeuseThat astronomers have studied for nearly 200 years, it’s now gone (at least temporarily), indicative of the turbulence caused by the eruption.

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