Saturday, July 27, 2024

The U.S. Congress avoided the “strike.”


With only a few hours to do so, the US Congress was able to avoid a “shutdown”, that is, to partially shut down the functions of the federal government. The Senate has approved a provision that will continue to fund the activities of the federal government until December 3. After a while the chamber did the same.
The Senate (Democrats have the lowest majority of a senator) received 65 votes in favor and 35 votes against. The House approved it by 254 votes to 175.

However, the risk of a “shutdown” was not the only topic of discussion in Congress, which lasted a limited week. Vox “The most confusing legislative race in recent times”.
In fact, within a few days, he will have to vote on a measure that will allow him to repay his debts, the pain of a catastrophic failure, and President Joe Biden’s two important legal initiatives: a bill infrastructure and an ambitious plan for economic and social reform.

– Also read: Chaotic week for the US Congress

See also  Biden said Obama wants to run again in the U.S. election 2024


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